Re: Nmap Hangs while scanning

2017-08-05 Thread Zuleyha Torku
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Nmap Hangs while scanning

2017-08-05 Thread Zuleyha Torku
Hi I'm trying to scan a bunch of IP address with nmap on OpenBSD 5.9 amd64. After a few moments nmap hangs but not crash or fall into unresponsive state. When I check with tcpdump it stops packet generation. No Error messages, no warning. Cpu and Mem. usages are normal as usual. I could not get an


2015-01-21 Thread Zuleyha Torku
Hi When I try to build httrack from source (dowloaded from svn) I get plenty of errors that mentioning htscharset.c:1239: warning: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type Is there anyone can give me some advices about building/installing httrack on OpenBSD amd64 5.6


2015-01-21 Thread Zuleyha Torku
Hi I would like to use httrack. But, when I was try to make it source (downloaded from svn), I have got plenty of errors like belov Is there anyone can give some advices about installation httrack on OpenBSD 5.6 amd64 ? htscharset.c:1239: warning: comparison is always true due to limited range o

2015-01-21 Thread Zuleyha Torku
Hi I just realize that the is not available right now or did I miss something ?