Du har 1 ny melding !

2011-12-02 Thread Western Union Online
Kjfre Western Union medlem, Du har 1 ny melding! Din Western Union konto er lest. Som et sikkerhetstiltak me du oppgi ditt kredittkort CVV (den 3 siste sifrene pe baksiden av kortet) for e lese opp kontoen din. Fxlg lenken nedenfor for e lxse dette problemet: http://webmail.kaigan.se

Western Union - Your account has been limited.

2010-01-04 Thread Western Union
Dear Valued Customer, This is an official notification from Western Union. Your account access has been limited due to a login attempt failure. To restore your account we have attached a form to this email.Please download the form and follow the instructions on your screen. NOTE: The

Attention Beneficiary Your western union payment of $5000 dally will be canceled

2009-01-28 Thread Western Union
You are invited to "Attention Beneficiary Your western union payment of $5000 dally will be canceled". By your host Western Union: Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009 Time: 2:00 am - 3:00 am (GMT -12:00 Dateline) Location: Attention B