ch. (it's not merged yet)
> I got around that by copying those definitions from the FreeBSD mfi driver
your fix is correct :), I also got definitions from FreeBSD.
and your sysctl/bioctl/dmesg output looks good to me.
> Nice work! Sorry I don't have a card with cache (e.g. H730) to test on,
> but I haven't hit any problems with my H330 yet.
thank you for your report!
Best Regards,
Could you try attached patch?
Best Regards,
Index: sys/dev/pci/mfii.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/mfii.c,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -p -r1.4
it's not only for Linux... it's working
> properly in FreeBSD and NetBSD, as I said before
I added some lines for NetBSD and FreeBSD, but I did not add any line
for OpenBSD. C may be portable, but program may not be portable:)
It's weird and small C program. It will work on OpenBSD
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