Re: "ssh" attacks

2006-05-31 Thread A. Khattri
On Wed, 31 May 2006, Peter Fraser wrote: > Expect I was not clear. > > Someone is attacking address 1, address 2, address 3, those > address are all blocked with respect to ssh. , but because he > is attacking those addresses, I want to stop an expected attack > on address 4. I never want to pass

Re: Blocking many accesses to ssh port from single IP

2005-06-30 Thread A. Khattri
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Steve Williams wrote: > I am running OpenBSD 3.7-stable, pretty standard install, spamd > greylisting, httpd, sendmail. Going over my log files, I have noticed > that I am more and more coming under attach with dictionary based login > attempts to the SSH port. Another optio