On 03/27/11 19:21, Sha'ul wrote:
At the boot> prompt I put bsd.rd and it probes and gives me the
install options (I)nstall (U)pgrade (S)hell, I went to shell and dmesg
worked, but how can I supply a copy of it here without net connection
and without OS login capabilities?
FYI, trying to h
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 04:21:32PM -0700, Sha'ul wrote:
> >Dude,
> >
> >You need to give more info. How about the dmesg from the bsd.rd?
> >
> >Luis.
> At the boot> prompt I put bsd.rd and it probes and gives me the
> install options (I)nstall (U)pgrade (S)hell, I went to shell and
> dmesg worke
You need to give more info. How about the dmesg from the bsd.rd?
At the boot> prompt I put bsd.rd and it probes and gives me the install
options (I)nstall (U)pgrade (S)hell, I went to shell and dmesg worked,
but how can I supply a copy of it here without net connection and
What exactly is the message during kernel panic? Are you able to use
keyboard to enter a few commands? If so you can check out
See if this can also help
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Sha'ul wrote:
> I wa
I was able to install 4.9-current with no problem, I typed reboot at the
command prompt after completion, the boot> prompt comes up and the
starts the usual probe and I get a kernal panic. So how do I report a
system bug if I've never been able to login? This is on a new laptop.
On 26/03/11 22:40, Miod Vallat wrote:
I've tested a while ago the GENERIC.MP kernel of 4.8-stable and the system
cold reboots. GENERIC runs fine.
Trying to regenerate the problem I went into single user more and found out
that it reboots when it executes /sbin/savecore /var/crash
This has very
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On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 21:38:58 +0800
Marcus wrote:
> sftp-server logging with chroot in OpenBSD?
> I want to log upload/download information in sftp server
I don't know where is your problem but this is how it works for me ;)
Match User
ChrootDirectory /data/share
(nice name, by the way :-)
f5b...@gmail.com (Marcus), 2011.03.27 (Sun) 15:38 (CEST):
> 4. http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sftp-server&sektion=8
> For logging to work, sftp-server must be able to access /dev/log. Use
> sftp-server in a chroot configuration theref
sftp-server logging with chroot in OpenBSD?
I want to log upload/download information in sftp server
test two user "root" and a chroot user "share"
1. add a sftp only user share
/etc/passwd file
root:*:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/ksh
set some P
10 matches
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