[Mimblewimble] Question about paper

2017-06-15 Thread Jimmy Song
Hi, Please excuse my ignorance. I've been going through the MimbleWimble paper ( https://scalingbitcoin.org/papers/mimblewimble.pdf) and line 151 has a function e(G,S)=e(pk,H). I don't see the function e defined anywhere and a similar ê is used around line 165. Can someone tell me what that funct

[Mimblewimble] Question about ECC Point Addition

2017-05-26 Thread Jimmy Song
Hi, I have a question about ECC Point addition from the intro document in the grin repository: https://github.com/ignopeverell/grin/blob/master/doc/intro.md Under "Transacting with MimbleWimble" a new curve G is introduced: > For these reasons, we introduce a second ECC curve *G* and a > private