It's been a while since Dylan did the work to make meson support
Windows and there's been plenty of time to provide feedback or improve
argue why we still need scons. I haven't seen any such discussion and
I think we've waited long enough.
Let's drop scons for the next release and move things forw
It looks like we have 4 scons build jobs in CI.. I'm not sure how much
that costs us, but I guess those cycles could be put to better use?
So even ignoring the developer-cycles issue (ie. someone making
changes that effects scons build, and has to setup a scons build env
to fix breakage of their MR
+Jose & Brian
I'm not personally opposed but I also can't remember the last time I had to
fix the scons build. I think it's been years. Maybe that's because I don't
work on GL anymore? In any case, I don't know that it's really costing us
that much given that basically none of the drivers actu