Not specific to swrast, but there's a "drm" platform via gbm (or a gbm
platform with drm output? I'll never remember). You should be able to
use this to output directly to a kms output. An example of such an
application is kmscube -- it's more geared to hardware accel, but I
don't see any reason wh
On 2019-12-23 6:01 a.m., Oleg Gavrilchenko wrote:
> I can ask. How MESA display image in case of use full software
> rendering? What does interface it use?
> It use /dev/fbX, drm or otherwise method?
[Disclaimer: I have very limited experience with this, but hope some
hint is better than none.]
Set proper cropping parameter if frame cropping is enabled
Signed-off-by: Satyajit Sahu
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc.c
index aa9182f273b..0bcce867327 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc.c
+++ b/src/galliu