> Will MariaDB incorporate BSD-licensed features published by the community?
Though looking at the web pages, this is not as clear as it could be. I did
find it at the end of this page:
- Kristian.
Arjen Lentz writes:
> Re NDB... the NDB in the source tree may not be production capable,
> but it's technically functional.
> Builds for Ubuntu tend to include NDB, and it actually works (I've
> used it in training classes).
> So that's already the real world.
> MariaDB may also consider a mag
It occured to me that this might be better to send to -discuss to get a wider
audience. Sorry if you receive this twice.
- Kristian.
--- Begin Message ---
FOSDEM 2010 will be held next year on February 6-7.
It looks like from MariaDB both I and Sergey Petrunya will be at
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Michael Widenius wrote:
>> We also use the thr_alarm() functionality when one uses 'kill
>> connection-id' in MySQL. I don't know of any easy way to gracefully
>> wake up a thread that is sleeping on SO_SNDTIMEO. Do you?
Well, I checked the code, and it seems
Michael Widenius writes:
>>>>>> "Kristian" == Kristian Nielsen writes:
> Kristian> Well, I checked the code, and it seems to wake up the thread using
> Kristian> pthread_kill(thread, signal) for the 'kill connection-id' command.
> This sho
Henrik Ingo writes:
> Didn't you have something about Buildbot you wanted to do? Maybe even have
> someone from Drizzle join - depending on what you had planned to talk about.
I have not planned anything. But I'm happy to do a session going through
various aspects of Buildbot if there is an int
> As described in
> I did some of the QA checks that I do for any new code that I might
> use. I have yet to find buildbot results for valgrind and the InnoDB
> plugin or XtraDB. Are they not run
> There are no results for innodb_plugin.* in
No, we do not run tests for the innodb_plugin in Buildbot. We run them for
XtraDB (which shows up as just "innodb", as xtradb
> I was asking about the tests not the plugin used. MariaDB should be
> able to run all tests in mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin for
> storage/xtradb and for storage/innodb_plugin. It cannot per
Why do you think the tests in my
Oleg Tsarev writes:
> I use string column, because i need fixed-point number (time column):
> 14_digit_to_second.6_digit_to_microsecond
> 123456.654321 as example.
> Big number, because i have not only "time" column and also "sum" column too.
> I didn't find any type what good for this, and i
Oleg Tsarev writes:
> I need my_atomic_add64 in mysql.
> Can i simple add following macros, or i need more advanced tricks?
> tsa...@main:/storage/project/percona/rtd_2$ diff -Nur
> ../rtd/c/include/my_atomic.h c/include/my_atomic.h
> --- ../rtd/c/include/my_atomic.h2010-07-09 16:35:1
Kristian Nielsen writes:
> I think you'll also need
> make_transparent_unions(32)
> #define U_32 int32
> #define Uv_32 int32
Gah. I meant of course this:
#define U_64 int64
#define Uv_64
Enrique writes:
> Sphinx storage engine is included in the source, and here is explained
> how to install SphinxSE:
> But, is installed Sphinx (indexer, searchd, etc) with MariaDB? or we
> must install Sphinx apart, and after that, install the SphinxSE
> plugin
Antony T Curtis writes:
> I think the 80486 introduced the cmp8xchg instruction.
It appears you are right. Oleg, it seems that MySQL 5.5 already implements a
64-bit atomic add for 32-bit x86 platforms.
Check include/atomic/x86-gcc.h , it uses the cmpxchg8b instruction.
- Kristian.
Arun Jagatheesan writes:
> Is it mandatory to be a privileged user for MariaDB? (hope not so).
No, it's not.
> Is there an existing documentation or any suggestions for a non-root
> instal of MariaDB on Linux (CentOS)?
I would suggest starting from the INSTALL file in the distribution, the
Brian Evans writes:
> MariaDB 5.2.4 tarball is missing the SphinxSE file in
> storage/sphinx.
> I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, so I thought I might
> point it out.
Oops :-(
Thanks a lot for pointing out this serious issue! I filed a bug for it
Jocelyn Fournier writes:
> I'm trying to push my company to adopt MariaDB 5.2. Unfortunately, the
> currently available binaries (at least for the x86-64 version)
> requires a glibc 2.4, where we have only a 2.3 version (debian etch)
> installed on our server.
> MySQL 5.5 standard binaries, as we
Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος writes:
> in debian squeeze trying to install mariaDB5.2 i get a conflict withmysql-
> core used by aconandi. what should i do?
Can you provide some more details?
- What version of MariaDB 5.2?
- How did you try to install? Repository/mirror URL and exact commands use
Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος writes:
> Then i used aptitude to update packages.
> After choosing mariadb server and client aptitude warned me of conflicts
> and
> that i should remove mysql-server-core-5.1
That conflict is intentional.
The way the .deb packages are made, they are supposed to r
"Vladislav Vaintroub" writes:
> For 5.5 the discussion starts here
> ([9 Feb 2:26] Clint Byrum, IIRC he works for Debian). His argument that ABI
> has changed "dramatically" is that for example an exported symbol named
> TERMINATE has gone, while new symb
Alexandre Almeida writes:
> As far as I can see MariaDB stay locked/running on a single
> virtual CPU and MariaDB doesn't take advantage of CoolThread/CMT
> technologies, I mean it can not run on more than one virtual CPU same
> time. Result: poor performance.
> Anybody knows if
"Jakob Lorberblatt" writes:
> I noticed that you do not have a regular build of FreeBSD for either
> common architecture (x86_64 or i386) I would be able to provide that for
> you, I have equipment to spare and would be willing to lend this to the
> project for building assistance; in addition I
Peter Laursen writes:
> I noticed this on planet.mysql:
> I *again* strongly want to discourage a major version number identical with
> a MySQL/Oracle release. MySQL plans a 5.6 too and I believe that there is
> already a source-tree available on launchpad
"Adam M. Dutko" writes:
> Does the following item under the Performance section indicate
> optimizations for AMD chips are not being added?
> Better multi CPU performance above 16 cores (Work with Intel)
No (very unlikely).
The AMD and Intel x86_64 chips are quite similar, and most optim
Patrick Galbraith writes:
> So, when I start mysqld, I get the error:
> "[ERROR] Failed to initialize plugins."
I think this means that the plugin init function of a static plugin (or
dynamic, but static seems more likely in this case) returned an error.
Rather than it failing to load a dynam
Federico Razzoli writes:
> I'd like to test the differences between InnoDB and XtraDB, but I don't want
> to have 2 MariaDB instances. Is there some way to compile MariaDB with both
> Innodb and XtraDB?
It is possible to compile MariaDB with both if one builds one of them (or
both) as dynamic
Christian Convey writes:
> So what's the deal? Does MariaDB have alternative implementations for
> just some of MySQL's components, and when a new MySQL release comes
> out, MariaDB updates just those components for which it doesn't have
> its own versions?
That is more or less it, yes.
- Kri
klrumpf writes:
> I now want to switch to the mariasql client...
Cool, that is an interesting project ...
> res.on("row", (row) ->
> console.log "Result row: " + inspect(row)
> @get '/': (req,res) -> # LANDING PAGE)
>result = doSql("select pakz from pkt where pktnr=10001")
Jan Kirchhoff writes:
> Is there something like slave_skip_counter, aka "I Know what I do, skip
> that update"? I think I have to take a new snapshot to get the second
Yes, MariaDB has this:
If you set skip_repl
Jan Kirchhoff writes:
> Kristian,
> I didn't know of that function, good to hear that.
> But I was after some kind of slave_skip_counter-like function to make
> galera skip an event in case of problems. I'm fine with a cluster member
> stopping (or going read-only or something like that) becaus
Greg writes:
>> I didn't think that sync_binlog=1 is required anymore for safe reliction.
>> We are always using group commit in MariaDB 10.0 for the master, so
>> the binary log will be synced for each group commit, which is safe.
> I have to use it in a DRBD config. When testing this co
Greg writes:
> With "kill -9 mysqld", and sync_binlog=0, I'm not really surprised since
> mysql will not fdatasync after each commit, right ?
Right. So this is mostly just my own academic interest, in practice it is of
course real crashes/powerfailures we want to handle, not SIGKILL.
If you are
Greg writes:
> I think you're right. I know that DRBD is not the best choice to have
> high-availibility on a MariaDB master, but I have my reasons to make this
Isn't it? I do not have practical experience with MariaDB/MySQL in a HA setup,
but I have always thought that DRBD was one of the best
Greg writes:
> This morning I've removed DRBD to verify that it is not the bottleneck, and
> It's much faster with DRBD !
Yes, because with DRBD, an fdatasync() only needs to do a network trip to the
other node. On local disk, it needs a physical disk write, which can take 10
milliseconds (
Colin Charles writes:
> I noticed this:
> Revert back to using MySQL 5.1 for the time being. MariaDB 5.5 introduces
> a new libmysqlclient non-blocking API which utilizes co-routines. The X86
> specific GC
Mike Gibson writes:
> Greetings,
Hi, sorry for taking a few days to get back to you:
> I'm using the MariaDB Non-blocking API to write a C++ client, but I've hit
> a wall regarding connection checking. I've been referencing the binding
> from node-mariasql (
Laurynas Biveinis writes:
> We have another platform-specific addition: thread-local storage
> implemented by __thread GCC keyword, which is GNU specific. This is
Hm, this is interesting, I was not aware of the __thread feature. This looks
to be much more efficient than pthread_getspecific(), wh
Felipe Gasper writes:
> Hi everyone,
> I notice that MariaDB is using the 1900+ range for its own
> error codes; however, MySQL 5.7, at least, has a few errors in that
> range as well.
> Are error codes just going to be an area of increasing
> conflict between the two, or is there
AskMonty KB writes:
> What I am having a problem with is if I add a new master. When I add the
> master the data in the slave table is truncated and only the data from the
> new master is replicated. I loose all my old data in the slave.
The obvious guess is that the new master has DROP TABL
Kolbe Kegel writes:
> cmake ../server/ -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DWITH_SSL=system
> The build is failing on tokudb code even though I am trying to avoid
Gmail writes:
> And, as I mentioned at the title of this question, the relay-log is not
> flushed after the slave-relay-log.99 showed when using
> "Salve_parallel_threads:10" setting. like showed blow.
> - binlog_format: ROW
> - Slave_parallel_threads:10
> Everything are working fine exce
Michael Widenius writes:
> for the alpha so I suggested Sergei today that we should enable it for
> the beta period of MariaDB 10.0
(10.*1* beta, I guess?)
> As most MariaDB users should know, the feedback is totally anonymous
> and no private or sensitive information is being sent.
> Any com
Daniel Black writes:
>> “Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from
>> binary log: 'Error: connecting slave requested to start from GTID 1-1-7,
>> which is not in the master's binlog. Since the master's binlog contains
>> GTIDs with higher sequence numbers, it probably
Benoit Panizzon writes:
> MariaDB [maildb]> select mail_out_anon+mail_out_auth,timeslice from
> domaincounters where domain_id=19 order by timeslice desc limit 24;
This takes the first 24 rows by timeslice, and selects them.
> select max(mail_out_anon+mail_out_auth),timeslice from domaincount
Ian Gilfillan writes:
> Is there a reason replicate_rewrite_db is not available as a system
> variable, while other similar settings, such as replicate_do_db are?
I don't know of any specific reason, except that it is not
implemented. Originally, none of these variables could be changed
林澤宇 writes:
> I use a file include 10 insert command statements to test the insert
> performanc .
> On local server ,the Mariadb spent about 20 second to insert data;but on
> remote server ,the MariaDB spent about 30 second to insert data .
> Why the MariaDB has about 10 second gap ?
> Maybe
Binarus writes:
> "All MySQL collations are of type PADSPACE. This means that all CHAR,
> VARCHAR, and TEXT values in MySQL are compared without regard to any
> trailing spaces. “Comparison” in this context does not include the
Yes, I have always found this terminally stupid as well. But I think
Stu Smith writes:
> I'm curious if there is a way to search the archives for this list - I
One way is to use google with an additional search term:
This restricts the search to the archives. The maria-developers@ list can be
similarly searched by addi
> This weekend I had to repair a replication problem on one of our
> clusters. I've attempted to get to the root cause but not sure where I
Is this pure MariaDB replication, or is it Galera? I think it is the former,
but the term "cluster" is somewhat overloaded, which is why I ask...
Dave C writes:
> Originally posted to :
> Edited for context.
> I have single threaded server written in C that accepts TCP/UDP connections
> based on EPOLL and supports plugins for the multitude of protocol layers we
Dave C writes:
> With you help I was able to get the whole thing working this afternoon,
> although I will need to spend a lot more time testing and checking I've
> caught all the traps.
Ok, great!
> The core application uses edge triggered epoll for the sake of efficiency
> and so far I have n
jocelyn fournier writes:
> After upgrading from TokuDB Enterprise with MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB
> 10.1.14, I tried to enable the parallel replication
> (parallel_mode=optimistic, slave_parallel_threads=4) on a GTID enabled
> Is this a known limitation with TokuDB ?
Yes. TokuDB does not (to my kno
jocelyn fournier writes:
> Thanks for the quick answer! I wonder if it would be possible the
> automatically disable the optimistic parallel replication for an
> engine if it does not implement it ?
That would probably be good - though it would be better to just implement
the necessary API, it's
Do you have a test case that can be used to repeat the bug?
- Kristian.
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Rich Prohaska writes:
> Is TokuDB supposed to call the thd report wait for API just prior to a
> thread about to wait on a tokudb lock?
Yes, that's basically it.
Optimistic parallel replication runs transactions in parallel, but enforces
that they commit in the original order. So suppose we hav
Rich Prohaska writes:
> Is TokuDB supposed to call the thd report wait for API just prior to a
> thread about to wait on a tokudb lock?
If I wanted to look into implementing this, do you have a quick pointer to
where in the TokuDB code I could start looking? Like the place where lock
waits are d
Kristian Nielsen writes:
> Rich Prohaska writes:
>> Is TokuDB supposed to call the thd report wait for API just prior to a
>> thread about to wait on a tokudb lock?
> If I wanted to look into implementing this, do you have a quick pointer to
> where in the TokuDB
Cool, thanks for the pointers, that looks very helpful. I'll try to see if I
can come up with something.
- Kristian.
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Pavel Ivanov writes:
> binlog ending at position mariadb-bin.04:2039896, somehow the
> function ReplSemiSyncMaster::commitTrx() gets trx_wait_binlog_name =
> 'mariadb-bin.05' and trx_wait_binlog_pos = 2039896. I.e. the
> function gets the position of the transaction to wait semi-sync ack
Joseph Glanville writes:
> This fixes the problem for me. How do we go about getting this into a release?
I can push it. It should go into 10.1, I think (this code is not in 10.0).
Thanks for testing!
- Kristian.
Mailing list: https://launchpad
Karthick Subramanian writes:
> Below when I try at Slave DB:
> MariaDB [dr_repl]> select * from test_dr_repl;
> Empty set (0.00 sec)
> MariaDB [dr_repl]> commit;
> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
> MariaDB [dr_repl]> select * from test_dr_repl;
> ++--+
> | id | val |
> ++-
Reinder Cuperus writes:
> The problem is, as soon as I stop that connection, that master2 and
> master3 have different gtid-positions for domain0, and stop/start on
> replication master3->backup results in the error:
> "Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log:
> 'Error:
"Jean-Francois B. Gagne" writes:
> And the technical question about replicate_annotate_row_events: this
> variable is not dynamic, is there a reason for that ? I understand that
> this variable could/should only be modifiable while the slave is stopped,
> but not being dynamic is not very DBA/Sy
Nils Carlson writes:
> I would be very happy for some review (and even testing) of this
> resource-agent from somebody with expertise in mariadb replication.
I do not think I can offer review or testing, but I can give a few general
remarks, maybe they can be helpful.
> The parameter set on eac writes:
> Mike,
>> Hello,
>> I realize that in general replication from a newer master to an older
>> slave is typically not recommended. This said, does anyone have an
>> experience replicating from MariaDB 10.2 to MySQL 5.6?
> A problem that is evident at once is
Thomas Plant writes:
> Today I had time to look at the error, removed the duplicate ID from
> the table and started the slave thread again using 'start slave;'.
> But now I get another error:
> Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from
> binary log: 'Error: connec
Thomas Plant writes:
> Your tip with 'MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos' fixed it.Will have to look
> better in the documentation next time, never found the 'slave_pos'
> mentioned or 'SET sql_log_bin=0'.
> Thank you very much for your help.
Welcome, glad that you solved your problem.
The slave_pos/c
"Reinis Rozitis" writes:
> the table starts to grow continuously:
> MariaDB [mysql]> select count(*) from gtid_slave_pos;
> +--+
> | count(*) |
> +--+
> | 5577268 |
> +--+
> 1 row in set (1.553 sec)
That definitely look bad. As you say, there can be multiple rows in th
Thanks for the additional info.
TokuDB probably isn't the most used engine with optimistic parallel
replication. I worked with a TokuDB developer some time ago to make it work,
but I'm not sure how well those fixes are maintained in MariaDB (ie. I tried
now running the testcase tokudb_rpl.rpl_para
Kristian Nielsen writes:
> It is cool that optimistic replication works well in your setup to avoid
> slave lag (but not cool that it causes this problem). I will try to see if I
> can reproduce with simple test-generated traffic. But if you know of a way I
> could reproduce that wou
Kristian Nielsen writes:
> (Hm. Actually... if a conflict is detected _after_ the transaction has
> deleted old rows from the mysql.gtid_slave_pos table, then the deletions
> will be rolled back along with the conflicting transaction, and it seems we
> will get old rows left-over jus
"Reinis Rozitis" writes:
> Is there a jira/github issue I could follow?
I can put any updates in the MDEV-12147.
- Kristian.
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>> In any case, thanks Reinis for taking the time to report this serious issue,
>> I'll see
>> if I can come up with a patch to fix the problem.
> Thx and looking forward to it.
I have now committed a patch that should fix this.
If you want to try it, you can find it here:
Hi Reinis,
I have now pushed a fix for this. I expect it will be included in the next
Once again thanks for taking the time to do a good error report, glad to get
this fixed.
- Kristian.
Mailing list:
Artem Russakovskii writes:
> Upon further analysis, it turned out to be the lack of support of
> master_info_repository=TABLE and relay_log_info_repository=TABLE in
> mariadb, which means the master information effectively disappeared as far
> as the slave server is concerned.
> the values fishe
Artem Russakovskii writes:
> Thank you for the explanation. Helpful. I'm guessing once all slaves and
> then the master are converted to mariadb, global transaction IDs are going
> to start getting used (or maybe I'll need to tweak some variables). Because
> right now it's empty on the one slave writes:
> I have four servers all running 10.3 as follows:
>A <=> B => C => D
> and C is a master to D. In addition to their actual replicating DBs,
> all four servers also have a "norep" DB that is used to create
> temporary tables for local report processing (as wel writes:
> TEMPORARY TABLE statement that was injected on Slave C? Does setting
> sql_log_bin=0 prior to the creation of the temporary table also
> prevent the creation of these DROP statements?
Well, it should prevent it. (But since it is a bug causing these redundant
Jure Sah writes:
> It would appear that on a typical webserver, the majority of disk i/o
> belongs to the MariaDB database process. It would appear it's mostly
> waiting on fsync(), which to my understanding is executed at least once
> per commit.
Group commit can amortise this if there are mult
Marko Mäkelä writes:
> There is some ongoing development work around this area. If the binlog
> is enabled, it should actually be unnecessary to persist the storage
> engine log, because it should be possible to replay any
> not-committed-in-engine transactions from the binlog. We must merely
Ni writes:
> And my primary server has:
> gtid_binlog_pos 0-303-67739600,1-303-7363061243,100-303-4338582
> gtid_binlog_state
> 0-302-67690294,0-301-67719794,0-303-67739600,1-301-7350472534,1-302-7350381758,1-303-7363061243,100-302-4242958,100-301-4332195,
Jan Křístek writes:
> We have a MariaDB 10.3 replication setup with one master and a few chained
> slaves (each has log_slave_updates switched on). Master uses mainly MyISAM
> tables, slaves have about 10 or 40 threads for parallel replication.
> Interesting is, that the first slave in the chai writes:
> And the above transition can be explained by
> MDEV-24654 GTID event falsely marked transactional, its patch is under
> review.
Oh, yes, this bug sounds like it could result in what Jan described. It was
not clear to me from the bug description exactly under what
Andrew Hutchings writes:
> Instead the intention is to discourage people from personal attacks at
> each other, which negatively affects the group as a whole.
It doesn't affect anyone at all expect those that choose to read them and
have nothing better to spend their time on than react to them a
Scott Canaan writes:
> Thank you. I found SUPER, but was trying to avoid using it as it
> gives too many privileges. I was looking for something more
> fine-grained.
Maybe you can define a stored procedure with SQL SECURITY DEFINER (and a
DEFINER with the SUPER priviledge) that sets the desire
ragul rangarajan writes:
> Hope my issue is more related to the issue MDEV-30780 optimistic parallel
> slave hangs after hit an error
> Trying to reproduce with a minimal database.
> Attaching the gbd output
Thanks, that gdb output is really helpful!
I agree with Andrei that this rules out MD
ragul rangarajan writes:
> Indeed the environment where we are able to see the issue is in *MariaDB
> 10.6.10 *and using pool-of-threads.
Cool, thanks ragul, that confirms that your issue is caused by the
- Kristian.
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