Bear in mind that most (if not all) ISPs will NOT send an ARF report for
each and every complaint generated by recipients - just enough to be
demonstrative of the existence and magnitude of an issue. The complaint
rate is always under-reported.
That said, I suppose it's possible that Oath is sque
Thanks so much Matt. Did you make any adjustments on your end or was it
just a matter of contacting Yahoo?
Any tricks with contacting Yahoo? I already did so this week but hit a
stone wall. Are there any particular phrases that get you past the
robots/canned responses?
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 3:2
Hi Alexander,
MailChimp had been seeing this issue as well across our IPs. It was happening
with all domains that use Yahoo’s mail infrastructure (AOL, Verizon, etc). We
reached out to Yahoo and they got it fixed up on their end. Your milage may
vary of course, but if what you’re seeing is rela
We've seen a big uptick in Yahoo throttling in the past 7-10 days with this
typical message:
421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from XX.XX.XX.XX temporarily deferred due to
user complaints -; see
This seems to be happening fairly indiscriminatel