Today I found another bunch of bank phishing e-mails from "".
You know I've already informed you that anonymously registered domains make bad customers. This one was registered
through, exactly like the "" phishing domain about which I gave you
> Don't just remove the addresses from customers' lists, but remove
> the customers, as they are obviously using addresses without
> consent,
You will probably find that just about every ESP operates a single
opt-in regime.
> which would be against your AUP (you do have an AUP that
> requires con
Added to Global Suppression List.
Simon Luger
sendeffect - mehr erreichen
WEBanizer AG
Schulgasse 5
84359 Simbach am Inn
Telefon: +49 (0) 8571 - 97 39 690
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Landshut HRB 5177 | Ust. ID.: DE 2068 62 070
WEBanizer AG
Am 10.05.22 um 10:29 schrieb Jarland Donnell via mailop:
I need these two email addresses removed from EVERY newsletter on EVERY
Sendinblue, Mailjet, SES, ActiveCampaign, and every other company that fits in a category with these companies. I kno
As per the ticket you've submitted less than an hour ago to our, I've blocked that 2 addresses from our entire
infra, you'll not be contacted anymore from any of our clients.
Best regards,
Simon, Head of Deliverability @ Sendinblue
Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:38, Jarland D
I need these two email addresses removed from EVERY newsletter on EVERY
Sendinblue, Mailjet, SES, ActiveCampaign, and every other company that
fits in a category with these companies. I know there are
representatives in this mailing list. I am s