It's been so long since I needed to mitigate with
Charter/Spectrum/Roadrunner that I have no idea anymore what the process
is. Does anyone here know?
mailop mailing list
enny Watson via mailop
> On 6/16/2023, John Possidente via mailop wrote:
> > A sender of legally mandated bulk mail who are very conscious of making
> > sure they're dotting every i and crossing every t (because they're
> > required to) asked me today whet
A sender of legally mandated bulk mail who are very conscious of making
sure they're dotting every i and crossing every t (because they're required
to) asked me today whether port 25 pingback is still necessary. I
immediately thought, "Of course not," but on second thought (before
speaking, yay) re
Thank you, Al. Been seeing a lot of these from Earthlink lately.
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 3:54 PM Al Iverson via mailop
> I am not familiar with the error message, but you might want to submit
> your sending IP address here: and see
> that results in yo