Same from here, hosts responds to v6 :
Trying 2001:4060:1:1001::12:5...
Connected to 2001:4060:1:1001::12:5.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-obelix.imp.ch ESMTP Postfix
Trying 2001:4060:1:1001::12:4...
Connected to 2001:4060:1:1001::12:4.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-asterix.imp.ch ESMTP Post
Connected to 2001:4060:1:1001::12:5.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-obelix.imp.ch ESMTP Postfix
Connected to 2001:4060:1:1001::12:4.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-asterix.imp.ch ESMTP Postfix
Connected to 2001:4060:1:1001::12:6.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-idefix.imp.ch ESMTP Postfix
On 16/0
In article
>$ host -t mx leunet.ch
>leunet.ch mail is handled by 10 rrmx.imp.ch.
>$ nc -4 -vz rrmx.imp.ch. 25
>Connection to rrmx.imp.ch. 25 port [tcp/smtp] succeeded!
>$ nc -6 -vz rrmx.imp.ch. 25
>nc: connect to rrmx.imp.ch. port 25 (tcp) failed: Network is unreachable
>nc: connect t
Hi List
I have noticed that we didn't get any spamtrap hits advertising
cloudflare.com in the last couple months.
Before, spamers did love their anonymizing proxy service and their
policy which stated as long as it's not DMCA or CP related we won't
take down a customer's site.
Is still states sp
This is what I see:
$ host -t mx leunet.ch
leunet.ch mail is handled by 10 rrmx.imp.ch.
$ nc -4 -vz rrmx.imp.ch. 25
Connection to rrmx.imp.ch. 25 port [tcp/smtp] succeeded!
$ nc -6 -vz rrmx.imp.ch. 25
nc: connect to rrmx.imp.ch. port 25 (tcp) failed: Network is unreachable
nc: connect to rrmx.imp.
Please contact me off-list
Short story:
A customer of Amazon SES is attempting to send emails to one of our
Our customer is not getting them, we don't see ANY trace of those
emails in our logs, they just seem to disappear in transit.
Re-Tested yesterday, exact times known.
Long last
Hi List
I wonder if others have also stumbled over the password "Mylove@1".
We use RoundCube as Webmail.
We have 'stupid' customers, who give away their email password by
answering to phishing emails or just simply are victims of trojans
stealing their credentials.
Subsequently those accounts g