to add that this only works in markdown mode (and
thus, when sending a HTML message). Plain text messages do not allow
embedded images within the text.
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung
mailmate mailing list
On 20 Oct 2022, at 18:40, Dave Carpenter wrote:
Thank you for that distinction Tobias. I’ve only ever sent plain
text messages.
A general question: is there a down-side to sending HTML mail? Do some
businesses decline to receive HTML mail? Or is to quite common? I just
don’t want to send HTM
On 15 Oct 2023, at 14:50, William Allen wrote:
I can’t think of any valid reason for a single pixel image.
Shouldn’t there be a warning about them before the download?
The problem is that MailMate (or any other application) simply can’t
tell that it’s a single pixel image until it has been do
Devyn Osborne wrote" … How is this line called,
Maybe you can change that line in a forwarded message, I don’t know…
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung
mailmate mailing list
I’ve been working with MailMate for almost a year now…
and yesterday, I saw something I wasn’t aware of before. *blush*
In MailMate’s preferences I’ve set the "Default Downloads Folder" to
And yesterday, I saw that there’s *another* folder which contained
On 7 Jan 2019, at 3:07, leo wrote:
Hi Tobias
– The attachments are saved to the folder in the Library when you
hit the "QuickLook" button in the message to display a attachment.
– They are deleted again from this folder when you delete the
message that contained the attachment.
From my unde
On 7 Jan 2019, at 4:47, Bill Cole wrote:
On 6 Jan 2019, at 8:57, Tobias Jung wrote:
Can it have any negative side effects if I deleted files from that
folder manually?
I certainly hope not. If it does, I am likely to be the metaphorical
canary in the coal mine... I have deleted many files
t into the
search input field, which is probably empty at that moment (as you
showed in your screenshot),
– Hit Return.
Basically, that’s starting a search with an empty string. It’ll list
all messages again.
Hope this helps,
Tobias Jung
On 26 Jan 2019, at 5:38, Dave C wrote:
I’d like to keep a copy of these. Is there a way?
Ian’s solution is probably the fastest and easiest way, and the best
if you want to keep the messages in MailMate.
However, when I wanted to get rid of a few accounts recently, I didn’t
want to stuff 1
On 14 Jul 2019, at 19:32, Daniel Torrecillas wrote:
Writing the '>' character for blockquotes is not triggering a HTML
composition, for me, anymore. When I send an email with that symbol,
only a plain text message is sent. No HTML.
Same here, but I think this is right! (And by the way, if thi
On 26 Aug 2019, at 18:11, Bruce Lynn wrote:
I am a new MailMate user in large part because of Matt Petrosky’s
great video series about MailMate on Youtube.
How can I set the default for a compose message window to show, CC,
BCC and Send Later?
In the upper left corner of the compose message
Sorry, I hit the Send button prematurely in this first message! *ps*
On 26 Aug 2019, at 18:11, Bruce Lynn wrote:
I am a new MailMate user in large part because of Matt Petrosky’s
great video series about MailMate on Youtube.
How can I set the default for a compose message window to show,
On 26 Aug 2019, at 19:09, Gregory Jefferis wrote:
On 26 Aug 2019, at 17:24, Tobias Jung wrote:
Sorry, I hit the Send button prematurely in this first message!
I highly recommend a 30s delay before sending — another nice
mailmate option. Saved my bacon on numerous occasions! Best
On 26 Aug 2019, at 19:32, Bruce Lynn wrote:
Dankeschön Tobias und Gregory,
I know how to invoke “CC”, “BCC” and “Send Later”. BTW
Gregory, I usually delay outgoing emails for 3 minutes but thank you
for an excellent suggestion. My problem is that I would like “CC”,
“BCC” and “Send Later” to
On 26 Aug 2019, at 20:58, Randall Meadows wrote:
On 26 Aug 2019, at 11:09, Gregory Jefferis wrote:
I highly recommend a 30s delay before sending — another nice
mailmate option. Saved my bacon on numerous occasions! Best, Greg.
Can this be set as a default for all new outgoing messages?
I don’t know if this really works and I’d hate to be responsible
if this screws up you preference file.
For the moment, you at least can look at those values and see if they
correspond to your composer window’s position and size.
Hope this helps,
Tobias Jung
On 18 Oct 2019, at 13:32, An
On 14 Mar 2020, at 21:29, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> Secondary sort keys would be nice.
Oh, yeah!
I’d really LOVE that!
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung
mailmate mailing list
On 6 Feb 2021, at 4:22, Alex Abdo wrote:
If you use Alfred (a great replacement for Spotlight
… among *many* others features)
, it also manages your clipboard for you and allows you to paste very
easily without formatting. You use option-command C to pull up
Alfred’s clipboard list, and the
the window – but on "click +
drag", nothing happens.
Resizing the columns horizontally still works, though.
Any ideas?
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung
mailmate mailing list
When picking the recipient address, I chose the wrong list.
Please just forget about my message. *blush*
On 7 Feb 2021, at 15:28, Tobias Jung wrote:
I’ve got a serious problem with the Bundle Editor.
I’m on TextMate version 2.0.17 (macOS Mojave
last week" is "Date-Received is within last 7 days".
I didn’t try that now, but wouldn’t the rule "Date-Received is NOT
within last 7 days" be exactly what you want?
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung
mailmate mailing list
t; isn't an option in the UI.
On 18 Feb 2021, at 7:23, Tobias Jung wrote:
On 18 Feb 2021, at 14:18, Robert Wall wrote:
Working on a few rules. I see that I can do "received", and I can
use descriptors like "last week", "last month", etc. What I *want*
is s
On 18 Feb 2021, at 15:03, Robert Wall wrote:
So in /Users/robertwall/Library/Application
Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist, I would find my rule, and change the
line in my rule (this is Mailmate's "message is received last week"
default rule) that says:
filter = "(#date-received >[f] 2 week
On 9 Mar 2021, at 20:39, Michael Friedlander wrote:
In the compose window, can the markdown preview be made to appear to
the right of the text input box, rather than below, as it is by
Yes, select View -> Layout -> Preview at Right. :-)
real estate, so I much
prefer the old layout.
Try View -> Layout -> "Preview at Bottom" / "Preview at Right".
Kind regards,
Tobias Jung
mailmate mailing list
On 14 May 2021, at 19:10, Dave C wrote:
In my various smart mailboxes, when I send a message to a group, the
copy (OK, it’s not really a copy but let’s overlook this
nomenclature for the moment) that is in the Sent folder also appears
in that group’s mailbox. So for every message I send I have
26 matches
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