Hi all,
Has anyone had any success with getting the [TeXMath
bundle](https://github.com/mailmate/texmath.mmbundle) to work in recent
versions (I'm running 6038)? Or does anyone have any other way of using
MailMate to write and send LaTeX?
If there are multiple minimized windows, a useful approach is to
command-tab to the app, and while continuing to hold the command key,
press the up or down arrow. This will show all the application’s
windows in Expose, and you can use the arrow keys to select the window
you want.
It's a freemium model. You can use the app without paying anything. The
free version works well. The premium version is more a way to support
the developer and help keep the app up to date. See
(I've been using Preside for a while, and eMailGanizer for a few
Hi Robert,
Yes, it supports Exchange servers. (I use it only for IMAP.)
On 15 Nov 2018, at 9:58, Robert Brenstein wrote:
On 15 November 2018, at 0825, Stephen Chong wrote:
It's a freemium model. You can use the app without paying anything.
The free version works well
I use key bindings to insert snippets of text that include format
strings. E.g.,:
"^2" = ("insertFormatString:", "Hi ${to.name.first},\n Thanks for your
email. " );
See https://manual.mailmate-app.com/key_binding_selectors for a little
more info.
On 1 Jul 2020, at 1
Also you can [set up a keybinding for
it](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings), e.g.,:
"c" = "copyToMailbox:";
On 16 Mar 2021, at 20:15, Eric Sharakan wrote:
Option-dragging a message to another mailbox copies it.
On 16 Mar 2021, at 20:01
You can run the following to set it back to its default behavior:
```defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmComposerInitialFocus```
Pronouns: he/him/his
On 23 Apr 2021, at 20:04, Steve Joyner wrote:
Hi all,
I'm new to the list here. (I got tired of Apple Mail. As legacy use
I'm running MM 6052, and the texmath bundle is working OK. After
installing it, in the settings window under the Composer tab, make sure
to check that the "Math language" option is set correctly.
You can then write things like:
x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}
to get