This might not match your workflow style, but for what it's worth,
here's an alternative to autofiling: I use MailMate in a fairly
different way than I use other mailers. Rather than move stuff off into
other mailboxes that I don't read, I tend to make lots of smart
mailboxes and switch between
On 20 Mar 2012, at 15:20, David Vereschagin wrote:
> I can't figure quite out what triggers it but it does seems to have
> something to do with whether a message from a mailing list is
> currently selected in the messages pane.
This has been the case for me as well. I've noticed that it doesn't
When looking at the message list in threaded mode, the 'Date Received'
column does a funny thing when expanding/collapsing threads: normally,
It shows the 'Date Received' column as 'Today', 'Yesterday', etc, but
when I expand (or collapse) a thread, that column switches to another
format ('
So far, I love the feature! I'd like to second this request:
On 7 Dec 2012, at 10:40, David Vereschagin wrote:
> Okay, that works. And the smart mailbox now works as expected. Now, if
> I could assign a colour to a tag and have that colour show up in the
> messages list, preferably as a backgro
One nit to report: if keyboard focus is on the message list, and I use
the 't' key to edit tags, when I finish editing tags, focus doesn't go
back to the message list. (In fact, it doesn't seem to be in the message
display either.)
On 7 Dec 2012, at 15:00, Robert Ricci
It's actually simpler than editing a plist: pick CC from the little drop
down to left of the 'Signature' drop down in the compose window, then
select 'Use as default headers' (at the bottom of that same menu)
On 5 Feb 2013, at 11:25, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
> Howdy,
> I cc: a lot, even when comp