Re: [MlMt] Alfred search?

2014-01-12 Thread Nitin
it could/should work). You can create messages with attachments though: I cerated a very basic one. Hope it helps Download: Screenshot:

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
useful and please do let me know if you come across any bugs or would like additional features. Isn't the ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles/ the right path to place bundle files? -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
On 31 Jan 2014, at 22:20, Pedro Lobo wrote: >  I place it there but for some odd reason it didn't show up. Have you restarted MailMate after placing it there? mine is working. -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
On 31 Jan 2014, at 22:28, Pedro Lobo wrote: Also, let me know if there's anything else that would be useful ;-) I have added: make tag with properties {name:"email"} to the applescript in add_front file, to add @email tag to the task. But, If there is an option to add tag/s after hi

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
@done tag is added to the task. (applescript running x-minutes/hours in the background) -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
On 31 Jan 2014, at 23:32, Pedro Lobo wrote: I don't think I can trigger the quick entry with AppleScript though. quick entry hotkey could be used to trigger it. Something like: tell application "System Events" to key code 36 using {command down, shift down}" -- Nitin_

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
On 1 Feb 2014, at 0:02, Pedro Lobo wrote: **@Nitin:**  This would also require that these tasks go into a default file and preferably project. The tasks go into any of the open documents(⌘L). Similarly, project can also be selected via ⌘L. Am I on a different track

[MlMt] How to handle spam/unwanted messages?

2014-01-31 Thread Nitin
Just wanted to know, how you guys handle the spam or blacklist the senders with Mailmate or any other client? I have created a bundle to create/update a list in Evernote and manually update it with my email provider, once a month. -- Nitin

Re: [MlMt] New user asks: What is best feature?

2014-02-06 Thread Nitin
On 6 Feb 2014, at 21:56, Zvi Biener wrote: The support. Benny answers everything quickly (on and off this list) and will sometimes even create things quickly. Between him and this list, almost all queries and needs are addressed. Well said. I couldn't agree more with this opinion. --

Re: [MlMt] TaskPaper Bundle

2014-02-22 Thread Nitin
Pedro, the bundle is not working with Taskpaper 3dev. If you update it any time, please make sure to set message link in mardown mode. Like: [message](message:// -- Nitin___

[MlMt] customer support via email/MailMate

2014-02-28 Thread Nitin
Hello Everybody, I am curious to know, if anyone of you have been doing customer support via email, especially if more than one person is involved? What is your workflow? -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list http

[MlMt] Sublime text bundle broken?

2014-03-03 Thread Nitin
Upon running the Sublime Text bundle, nothing happens. It was working in the earlier release of MailMate. Is it the case with anybody else? -- Nitin MailMate - 4045 ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Sublime text bundle broken?

2014-03-04 Thread Nitin
On 4 Mar 2014, at 13:31, Torsten Grust wrote: > continues to work fine for me (MM 4045). On 4 Mar 2014, at 15:06, Pedro Lobo wrote: > Working just fine here too (MM 4045) are you guys on Sublime text 2 or 3? I am on 3. -- Nitin ___ mailmate m

Re: [MlMt] Sublime text bundle broken?

2014-03-04 Thread Nitin
On 4 Mar 2014, at 17:48, Torsten Grust wrote: The commands defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmBundleCommandLaunchedOnTab returns: 2014-03-04 20:57:03.714 defaults[16676:507] The domain/default pair of (/Users/nitin/Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate

Re: [MlMt] Sublime text bundle broken?

2014-03-04 Thread Nitin
On 4 Mar 2014, at 17:48, Torsten Grust wrote: The commands defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmBundleCommandLaunchedOnTab returns: 2014-03-04 20:57:03.714 defaults[16676:507] The domain/default pair of (/Users/nitin/Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate

Re: [MlMt] Sublime text bundle broken?

2014-03-05 Thread Nitin
to have. Thanks a lot :) -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Rule - Run bundle command (Things)

2018-05-19 Thread Nitin
’ folder and run the bundle command manually, when I am on the Mac. Does anyone have a better workflow? Thanks, Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] OmniFocus: Instant Add With Summary

2023-02-22 Thread Nitin Goyal
Dear MM users, I need to add an “Instant Add With Summary” command in the OmniFocus bundle, similar to Things. Can anybody help? Many thanks! — Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Signature images shows as attachments

2023-02-24 Thread Nitin Goyal
Hi, Images in email signatures are showing up as attachments with an attachment icon. Is there a way to fix this issue? Thanks, Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] a bit of automation?

2013-08-19 Thread Nitin Goyal
Hi I send some emails daily with these parameters: 1. Two (To:) recipients. 2. One BCC recipient. 3. Predefined text with tomorrow's date (Stuff to be done on 20/Aug/2013). 4. Attach a particular file. 5. Predefined body. 6. Send in the background. I have an applescript to do the same in Mail

[MlMt] a bit of automation?

2013-08-22 Thread Nitin Goyal
u are also welcome to ask questions here as well. I have made a symbolic link to emate ("~/bin/emate). How do I run emate from there? How to pass these arguments to emate? -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Safari to Pinboard?

2013-08-24 Thread Nitin Goyal
Hello I need to do the following: 1. Capture Safari tab Title as "Subject". 2. Capture Safari tab URL as "Body". 3. Insert an email address in the "To" field. 4. Send email in the background. I have made a Keyboard Maestro macro to do the same. But, is doesn't do it in background. It shows the

Re: [MlMt] Safari to Pinboard?

2013-08-24 Thread Nitin Goyal
set theReceiver to "Some One " --activate application "MailMate" tell application "MailMate" to open location "mailto:"; & (theReceiver) & "?from=" & (theSenderl) & " &subject=" & (theTitl

Re: [MlMt] Safari to Pinboard?

2013-08-25 Thread Nitin Goyal
uct a webpage title, which would result in a mailto: URL telling MailMate to send any file on your disk to any email address. I could not make out anything from alfred script :). Can you help? -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Safari to Pinboard?

2013-08-26 Thread Nitin Goyal
How is this applescript? tell application "Safari" set theURL to (URL of current tab of window 1) set theTitle to (name of current tab of window 1) end tell on url_encode(theText) return do shell script "printf " & quoted form of theText

Re: [MlMt] Tags and Expanded Headers View

2013-09-08 Thread Nitin Goyal
On 4 Sep 2013, at 17:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > It's somewhere on the ToDo :-) Move it to somewhere near Top :) -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] IPad mail

2013-09-09 Thread Nitin Goyal
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Zvi Biener wrote: > Does anyone have good alternative? You cab have a look at AltaMail. I haven't used it, but is supposed to be the most powerful iOS client. -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Option to "Undo send"

2013-09-10 Thread Nitin Goyal
Gmail has a very nice add-on "Undo send". I'd like to see this feature implemented in MailMate as well. It should hold the message in Drafts folder for a specified time and hitting "Ctrl+Z" should undo the sent message and reopen i

Re: [MlMt] Option to "Undo send"

2013-09-10 Thread Nitin Goyal
/Contents/MacOS/MailMate -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] ygjfweiybch

2013-09-10 Thread Nitin Goyal
tftgb -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Option to "Undo send"

2013-09-10 Thread Nitin Goyal
On 10 Sep 2013, at 14:07, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Sorry, this is needed as well (it's an old feature from before the general Send Later feature): defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendMessageDelayEnabled -bool YES Thanks. Working now. -- Nitin_

Re: [MlMt] IPad mail

2013-09-11 Thread Nitin Goyal
On 11 Sep 2013, at 15:25, Alasdair Muckart wrote: > Perhaps Benny will write one once MailMate is done :-) Do you think there is an end to MailMate? We should pursue Benny to develop "MailMate for iOS" too. -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing

Re: [MlMt] Option to "Undo send"

2013-09-14 Thread Nitin Goyal
" than the default? -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Changing font size of message viewer

2013-09-15 Thread Nitin Goyal
dow. c) Restart MailMate. d) Uncheck "Prefer plain text". e) Change the Maximum font size to any. Should be working that way. -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Changing font size of message viewer

2013-09-15 Thread Nitin Goyal
dow. c) Restart MailMate. d) Uncheck "Prefer plain text". e) Change the Maximum font size to any. Should be working that way. -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Nitin Goyal
Why you need to copy messages to another folder? Isn't tagging a better option? -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Nitin Goyal
ns it isn't spam." I think you could make a rule: If message is tagged "@spam" copy to mailbox "Spam" & remove tag "@spam" similar rule for Ham. -- Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] emate not working

2019-07-09 Thread nitin goyal
hi, i am not able to make emate work on macOS 10.14.5. emate is present in ‘~/bin/‘ & ‘/Applications/ ~/bin/emate’ directories. i get the error “emate: command not found”. what is the right way to use emate? please advise. thank you n

Re: [MlMt] emate not working

2019-07-10 Thread nitin goyal
On 10 Jul 2019, Eric Sharakan wrote: Hi, do you have '~/bin/' on your shell's default path? If so, did you run the "rehash" command after creating the symlink to emate in ~/bin? Hi Eric, I worked. I was not using emate instead of ~/bin/emate in the command. Another question: how to make it w

Re: [MlMt] Snooze Bundle

2019-07-10 Thread nitin goyal
Hi Padraic, Is this bundle working with the latest version of MailMate? does not move the message to ‘Later’ IMAP folder. -- Nitin On 12 Jul 2018, at 7:49, Padraic Renaghan wrote: Making good progress, almost working, a few issues working through with Benny. Feel free to follow along if

Re: [MlMt] emate not working

2019-08-03 Thread nitin goyal
tead it makes the Mailmate window appear in front. —Nitin On 21 Jul 2019, at 20:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 10 Jul 2019, at 19:38, nitin goyal wrote: Another question: how to make it work in the background if we are using --send-now . I tried using --send-now "with-trust&qu

Re: [MlMt] how to find/clean duplicated messages

2019-11-14 Thread Nitin Goyal
It isn’t working on Revision 5664. I am trying to clean up double mails in office365 send folder. — Nitin On 25 May 2018, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 18 May 2018, at 19:33, David Green wrote: On 18 May 2018, at 3:04, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: “View ▸ Select Duplicates” "Edit ▸ S

Re: [MlMt] how to find/clean duplicated messages

2019-11-15 Thread nitin goyal
Never tried that. — Nitin On 15 Nov 2019, Robert Brenstein wrote: Has this ever worked for office365 messages? They do have different headers, one having a bunch of office365 lines inserted and server delivery info. On 14 Nov 2019, at 14:19, Nitin Goyal wrote: It isn’t working on Revision

Re: [MlMt] how to find/clean duplicated messages

2019-11-30 Thread nitin goyal
Thanks Robert for the solution. One question though: Instead of moving the message, can’t we delete the duplicate message? — Nitin On 18 Nov 2019, David Levy via mailmate wrote: On 15 Nov 2019, at 0:21, Robert Brenstein wrote: Has this ever worked for office365 messages? They do have

Re: [MlMt] Asana Integration Bundle

2019-12-27 Thread nitin goyal
Hi Chris, Have you created a bundle for Asana? The Link to Message does not open the message if clicked from a task in Asana. Thanks Nitin On 19 Nov 2019, Chris Jones wrote: Thanks Max! I guess I should have spent some more time looking at bundles/commands ;) -C On 18 Nov 2019, at 11:49

Re: [MlMt] New release

2020-01-24 Thread nitin goyal
y creative director to give you some colored icons options. Do you have these icons in a graphic/vector file format? — Nitin ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Windows alterenative

2020-04-03 Thread nitin goyal
Hello guys, Hope every one is keeeping safe out there. I need to use windows as my primary operating system at work. I need to know what is the best alternate to MailMate for windows without any bells and whistles. Thanks Nitin ___ mailmate mailing

Re: [MlMt] Windows alterenative

2020-04-03 Thread nitin goyal
Hi Glenn, What I meant by bells and whistles is the fancy icons or interface like a messenger. What I like most about MailMate is its clean interface and it is highly customizable. — Nitin On 4 Apr 2020, Glenn Parker wrote: I’m not a frequent Windows user these days, so I can’t offer any