Big vendors want to lock you into using their web-client to access their
services. I despise Microsoft for doing exactly that. My work mail is
locked to Office365 and OAuth2 which heavily restricts the clients you
can use (Thank God, MailMate works!). I’m not suprised that Google
I’m on 6038 and it’s still synching fine.
On 15 Jul 2024, at 10:39, James Coffey wrote:
> This morning mailmate (latest beta) has stopped synching with my Gmail
> account. It starts to synch and I get a spinning beachball but it never
> completes the sync. Since Mialmate is not resp
Euh… I’m a little surprised. I have mail mate setup against as an IMAP server and it works fine.
On 22 Jan 2019, at 1:28, wrote:
Bad news. I have to use exchange to handle my work emails. I would
rather use mailmate but mailmate doesn
Not this high. MailMate for me eats up 1.2GB when it starts and climbs
from there. After a few hours, it often is at 2.5GB (which is too high
IMHO). I have 400K emails in my inbox (some 80GB on disk). I got into
the habit of stopping mailmate after each session because of the high
memory footpr