just have seen that a ticket to which I amended something is still
closed (instead of 'open', or 'reopened').
How can I reopen an ticket?
Kind regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list
On 6 Feb 2014, at 22:23, 1611mac wrote:
To ALL who have replied to my request, thanks much. I've gotten some
really nice tips and comments already.
Thanks from me too for the many fine tipps!
Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list
I just created a rule, that mails whose date is not within the last 120
days should be moved to an other servers mailbox (a local IMAP-server).
But nothing happend - even after restarting MailMate.
When/how are rules triggerd?
Kind regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
the messages - strange ?!
This is what I did:
I created a Smart Mailbox with the condition of not within the last 90
days and Mailboxes Any *Ingo Lantschner* (different from the Archive
Mailbox!). This Smart Mailbox was filled immediately after creation with
the expected messages. Then I added a rule
I often have e-mails containing e.g. file-names with underscores inside
of the name.
This renders to **check_netapp_pro.pl** and **id_rsa_rocks.pub** if not
explicitly marked as code.
I know that this is how the original m
are citing some-ones e-mail where the cited text
contains several underscores inside. And there are still enough
situations, where you would like to have two underscores inside of a
normal word.
So I would still prefer to leave in-word underscores unprocessed.
Kind regards, Ingo
On 3 Apr 2014, at 16:20, Brad Knowles wrote:
So I would still prefer to leave in-word underscores unprocessed.
You mean like Github-flavored Markdown?
Yes, although I do not use Github-flavored Markdown, but I have read
about it there.
Ingo Lantschner
would appreciated this as an alternative.
Kind regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list
you think the tagging-system of MailMate can be
integrated with the tagging from OS X (which started with
Kind regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list
Thanks and kind regards, Ingo
[1]: http://blog.freron.com/2013/handling-multiple-identities/
Ingo Lantschner
mailmate mailing list
OS X Server from Appstore. Also it sounds as a bit of overkill, it's easy to
install and configure. Personally I had the impression, that the start-up and
shutdown of the system got a bit slower.
Beside if that, it works just fine.
Kind regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
1060 Vienna-Aust
12 matches
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