Re: [MlMt] Message View Zoom: change permanent to 150%

2023-10-25 Thread Henry Seiden
Michael, That’s an interesting ask for adjusting the display within the message window to a specific setting. Don’t know if that can be done. I can think of a workaround that I have used if the resolution of the display is such that the Mailmate window(s) are too small to read. You have a cou

Re: [MlMt] Message View Zoom: change permanent to 150%

2023-10-25 Thread Michael Nietzold
Hi Henry, Thank you very much for your advice. Unfortunately, changing my screen resolution isn't an option since it leads to oversized icons that take up too much space. :( I have the default 150% zoom set on Chrome Browser for all pages. I did come across the Viewer/Fonts/Size parameter, b

Re: [MlMt] Message View Zoom: change permanent to 150%

2023-10-25 Thread Henry Seiden
Michael, Hoped one or two ideas would work. And thanks for the temporary zoom hint. I never tried it before! There are so many little things that make M-M such a great app. One of these days when time permits, I will convert my “Server” (Mac mini 2020, now running Sonoma) to MailMate and Sp