That’s an interesting ask for adjusting the display within the message
window to a specific setting. Don’t know if that can be done. I can
think of a workaround that I have used if the resolution of the display
is such that the Mailmate window(s) are too small to read. You have a
Hi Henry,
Thank you very much for your advice.
Unfortunately, changing my screen resolution isn't an option since it
leads to oversized icons that take up too much space. :(
I have the default 150% zoom set on Chrome Browser for all pages.
I did come across the Viewer/Fonts/Size parameter, b
Hoped one or two ideas would work. And thanks for the temporary zoom
hint. I never tried it before!
There are so many little things that make M-M such a great app. One of
these days when time permits, I will convert my “Server” (Mac mini
2020, now running Sonoma) to MailMate and Sp