On 12 Mar 2023, at 20:06, John Cooper wrote:
I don't know what's triggering the messages, but if you don't use the
"Send Later" functionality, I would disable this kind of message:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendLaterWarningEnabled -bool NO
Thanks John this did the trick.
And No
Hello Mailmate Users,
No matter what I do, Mailmate will not retrieve email account passwords from
the iCloud Keychain - it always looks for the passwords in the login Keychain.
Does anyone have this same issue? Are you able to store your email passwords
in the iCloud Keychain and Mailmate is
That’s a no for me. I recently migrated and was not able to recall my
passwords from anywhere on the new systems although most other settings
came in, the account passwords didn’t.
I didn’t try to confirm which, if any, keychain had them inside just
that MailMate wouldn’t read passwords. If yo