I didn’t see a reply to Quinn’s question so is there a solution to
this? I’m using version 5852.
On 28 Mar 2022, at 23:04, Quinn Comendant wrote:
Is there a way to move the list of attachments to the bottom when
viewing messages? Sometimes, the list of attachments is very long (
I’am having an issue by which MM (5887) would very often (but not
systematically) show my mailboxes in threaded view when I click to
switch from one to an other mailbox.
The previous state (almost always not threaded) is not preserved and I
almost aways end up into threaded view (never
On 21 Apr 2022, at 14:36, John Hughes via mailmate wrote:
> I didn’t see a reply to Quinn’s question so is there a solution to this? I’m
> using version 5852.
I don't think so. Ideally, we need something a bit like the "tray" used when
adding attachments and this should be expandable/collapsibl
TL;DR - I'd like to be able to fire off the mail rules for a given
folder once per day.
Longer explanation:
I have a server that sends me status emails. A *lot* of status emails.
And I need to receive these status emails not because I want to read
every single one, but because if something go