I would recommend you to alt-Check_for_Update to load the latest
Test_Build r5820 which is very stable imho
Alternatively you can go to
and load a less recent Test_Build
On 4 Aug 2021, at 21:52, Antonio Leding wrote:
Greetings all
I am using SpamSieve and have all the setup done as per instructions… and all
the messages in my normal input stream get a SpamSieve score.
My problem is with one account where some messages are in that account’s “Junk”
folder and therefore appear in the consolidated “Junk” folder
It sounds like that account is filtering for spam/junk one the server, so it
never arrives to MailMate for SpamSieve filtering. If I am right, you would
have to disable filtering on the server and let your local SpamSieve deal with
it. The server is likely adding headers for whatever filtering i
Have you told the spam filters that those are good messages? You need to
train spamsieve ;-)
If that does not help, check the blacklist in the spamsieve and remove
any wrong entries.
On 5 Aug 2021, at 14:25, Gavan Schneider via mailmate wrote:
Greetings all
I am using SpamSieve and have all
Stability of MM aside, I'd recommend FoxTrot Professional from CTM
software. It has a very sophisticated search syntax, and will handle
virtually any type of file. I don't think it has a syntax specific to
email, but you might be able to overcome that with good enough queries
(like find "bob" 1
On 5 Aug 2021, at 22:42, Robert Brenstein wrote:
> Have you told the spam filters that those are good messages? You need to
> train spamsieve ;-)
As you have implied the training has been extensive, and when SpamSeive is
applied the message scores are 1, so SpamSieve is never getting asked.
On 5 Aug 2021, at 22:37, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:
> It sounds like that account is filtering for spam/junk one the server, so it
> never arrives to MailMate for SpamSieve filtering. If I am right, you would
> have to disable filtering on the server and let your local SpamSieve deal
> with it.
(Sorry, I didn't keep the original thread, but...)
Someone was asking about email archivers and the "best" searching.
I recommended MailSteward previously, so this time I'll point out that it uses
the industry standard mySQL or SQLite, and so can be searched not only from
within the MS program