I'm told my server supports IMAP Keywords. Until this morning, I didn't
use any MailMate Tags. This morning, on one machine, I tagged a number
of messages with various tags in MailMate. On that machine I notice that
all those tags are mapped with IMAP keywords in the Tags Preferences
I just copied the Tags.plist from one machine to the other and now it's
fine. Is that only way to do this? Sounds like Tags are not
Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain
settings, like Tag Preferences.
On 30 May 2017, at 11:11, Ralph Alvy wrote:
Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain
settings, like Tag Preferences.
Isn’t that what iCloud is supposed to do for mac apps? I’m not a
mac developer, and I’m not an expert on all the data that an app like
MailMate has to store, but I thought one of the cool thin