It there a way to always Bcc or Cc yourself or another address?
Working with a committee using email I keep forgetting to include myself
so that threads are complete.
mailmate mailing list
it is possible because I have it working, but unfortunately I forgot how
I did that. But someone else will certainly remember.
On 4 Apr 2017, at 15:51, David Ledger wrote:
It there a way to always Bcc or Cc yourself or another address?
Working with a committee using email I keep forget
On 4 Apr 2017, at 15:51, David Ledger wrote:
It there a way to always Bcc or Cc yourself or another address?
There's a [hidden
which might help.
mailmate maili
I use some rules that act on the Sent Messages folder (if the mail is
sent from a certain account and and doesn't have specific keywords, then
move the message to the Inbox) as there are some cases where I want a
copy of the message and others where I really don't care.
On 4 Apr 2017,