For what it's worth, as of a few minutes ago MailMate seems unable to
authenticate to iCloud for email again.
Server response: “A0 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication
failed”. Command attempted: “A0 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN
However, it works fine for Mail.app and iCloud --
You should have received an email from Apple a few weeks back
concerning the requirement of using app specific passwords for third
party apps accessing iCloud. It appears they turned this on today.
I was able to generate an app specific password for MailMate and the
login worked
On 8 Oct 2014, at 8:35, Steve Mayer wrote:
You should have received an email from Apple a few weeks back
concerning the requirement of using app specific passwords for third
party apps accessing iCloud. It appears they turned this on today.
I was able to generate an app specific p
For what it's worth, I had to go into my Manage Apple ID section to
enable Two-step verification before I could create App-Specific
However, even after enabling that and creating an App-Specific Password,
I still get this in my Activity Viewer:
22:59:57 Running action
22:59:57 Sen