02-Jan-2025 -- 16:30 -- Bill Cole:
> It may feel more intuitive to use the "Default Mailbox" command at the very
> bottom of the pull-down menu of the search box.
That applies to the global search, not the view specific one accessible by the
shortcut in the subject line.
Robert M. Münch
On 2025-01-02 at 06:43:32 UTC-0500 (Thu, 02 Jan 2025 12:43:32 +0100)
Robert M. Münch
is rumored to have said:
01-Jan-2025 -- 19:53 -- Fredrik Jonsson:
Is there a way to pre-configure the selection of which parts of
messages are searched? It’s always set to From=>Contains, but I
would like to
01-Jan-2025 -- 19:53 -- Fredrik Jonsson:
>> Is there a way to pre-configure the selection of which parts of messages are
>> searched? It’s always set to From=>Contains, but I would like to search for
>> Common Headers and Text.
> Edit -> Find -> Use as default search
Thanks a lot! That's pret
Robert M. Münch 2025-01-01 15:19 wrote:
> I use the CTRL+OPTION+CMD-F to filter/search within smart mailboxes.
MailMate has a neat function to set up custom keybindings.
I have set it so "s" starts a global search and "/" starts a search in the
current mailbox.
// Custom keybindings f