Re: [MlMt] Using CSS for customizing spacing, padding and other for better readability

2023-08-22 Thread Claudio Ruiz
Hello folks, With the help of Philip (thanks so much!) I found out the solution and I could be able to have a smoother plain text view. For doing that, you need to create a `main.css` file within `~/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/` that ”complements” `/Applications/

[MlMt] Using CSS for customizing spacing, padding and other for better readability

2023-08-14 Thread Claudio Ruiz
Hello, I understand there's the stylesheet.css file that allows some CSS tweaking for rendering plain text messages. I need some help for being able to tweak that render tweaking padding, spacing, margins, etc to have a more readable view. Even when I've tried to make silly changes to check wh