Here are some more details. I’m marking outgoing/sent emails with tags
like `1 day`, `2days`, `7days` depending on how soon I expect a
response. These emails are collected in a smart mailbox called `awaiting
reply`. (Screenshot 2)
If a response arrives within the expected timeframe, anothe
Hi Thomas,
That looks interesting, and I would like to copy your setup - but I am
unsure if I fully understand your procedure. If it’s not too much
trouble, could you perhaps be asked to spell it out a bit more…? That
would be fantastic.
On 23 May 2023, at 10:22, Thomas Reintj
Here’s how I have done it:
Hope this helps!
mailmate mailing list
On 2023-05-17 at 09:48:35 UTC-0400 (Wed, 17 May 2023 15:48:35 +0200)
Dominik Obermaier
is rumored to have said:
I have the situation that sometimes people don't came back to me in
time, so I'd like to implement a smart mailbox that shows me e-mails
where I'm waiting for a follow up.
The idea
I have the situation that sometimes people don't came back to me in time, so
I'd like to implement a smart mailbox that shows me e-mails where I'm waiting
for a follow up.
The idea is to have a mailbox that shows me sent messages who did not receive a
reply yet. I already tried using "Message i