On 2023-09-14 at 11:00:58 UTC-0400 (Thu, 14 Sep 2023 08:00:58 -0700)
Randy Bush
is rumored to have said:
Everything specific to MM is in ~/Library/Application
except for a .plist file in ~/Library/Preferences/
that is what i thought until i found
> Everything specific to MM is in ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate
> except for a .plist file in ~/Library/Preferences/
that is what i thought until i found
ryuu.rg.net:/Users/randy> ls -l ~/com.freron.MailMate/Messages.noindex/
total 0
drwx--@ 6 randy staff 192 Sep 5 09:20 IMAP/
On 2023-09-14 at 07:56:03 UTC-0400 (Thu, 14 Sep 2023 13:56:03 +0200)
Michael Nietzold
is rumored to have said:
I'm trying to determine which folders I can safely exclude from a Time
Machine backup...
I haven't been able to locate any official documentation on this. I've
come across some mess
I'm trying to determine which folders I can safely exclude from a Time
Machine backup...
I haven't been able to locate any official documentation on this. I've
come across some messages on the mailing list, but they don't offer
clear advice either.
I would expect an info in this section of t