On 25 Nov 2024, at 7:21, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:
Hi Stephan, spoofing detection can be disabled by running this from a
terminal (while MailMate is not running):
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmNospoofSymbolDisabled -bool YES
Yup, this is one of the first things I had to do a
Hi Stephan, spoofing detection can be disabled by running this from a terminal
(while MailMate is not running):
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmNospoofSymbolDisabled -bool YES
On Nov 25, 2024 at 04:07:21 EST, Stephan Kleiber wrote:
Hi everyone,
I use Firefox Relay, an email maski
I suppose you can train it in MailMate’s process (set a sample message
as Not Junk message Menu), return the message to Inbox) and experiment
that with a sample message.
Another fix is to use SpamSieve a third party spam filter that
integrates with SpamSieve very well. SpamSieve is
Hi everyone,
I use Firefox Relay, an email masking service that allows for mails being
forwarded from aliases to a real inbox. The service uses the alias as the
sender address and the address of the original mail as the name. The format of
the From field therefore reads as: