Re: [MlMt] Bcc list

2022-07-02 Thread Travis Risner" “" # EOF N. B. The “defaults write …” is a single line (e. g. not wrapped with newlines). I found this a long time ago either in the documentation or in an email on this list. HTH, Travis Travis Risner On 7/1/22 6:37 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

Re: [MlMt] Ideas to reduce the footprint of MailMate

2020-05-09 Thread Travis Risner
at Mail Steward and Horcrux to see if that is a better solution. HTH, Travis -- Travis Risner On 5/9/20 2:46 PM, Guillaume Barrette wrote: Dear Tracy,   Thanks for your reply, this is greatly appreciated! Yes, I understand around 200,000 emails may be quite a lot and no I don't nee

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-11 Thread Travis Risner via mailmate
Hi Andreas, I have found that if I choose the general/universal inbox, I can then option-command down arrow to move to the next unread message. Yes, pressing it again will go to the next unread message rather than paging down, but I consider this an advantage. It lets me skip from a short or