Re: [MlMt] Markdown Engines

2024-07-07 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Many thanks Benny. Much appreciated! T. Von meinem iPhone gesendet > Am 07.07.2024 um 22:31 schrieb Benny Kjær Nielsen : > > On 4 Jul 2024, at 8:34, Thomas Eckhold wrote: > >> Thank you for your feedback. This means that footnotes are only useful for >> new mails. &g

Re: [MlMt] Markdown Engines

2024-07-04 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Thanks John! Agreed. However, your first observation might be true for many functions discussed on this list. As far as the footnotes are concerned, these cannot be placed manually and are always placed automatically at the end of the email - that is precisely the point I would like to be able t

Re: [MlMt] Markdown Engines

2024-07-03 Thread Thomas Eckhold
its simplicity and practicality. If it doesn't require too many changes, I for one would be glad if improvements for composing messages found their way to the top of the to-do list. --Thomas On 3 Jul 2024, at 22:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 3 Jul 2024, at 9:30, Thomas Eckhold

Re: [MlMt] Markdown Engines

2024-07-03 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Interesting. How to place a footnote above the signature and an e-mail thread that is included in a message? Even if I place the footnote text above the signature MM puts it at the very end of the message body. Thanks, Thomas On 2 Jul 2024, at 10:46, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 2 Jul 2024

Re: [MlMt] New release of SpamSieve

2023-09-22 Thread Thomas Eckhold
The same here. No problems noticed. -Thomas On 22 Sep 2023, at 15:54, Mark Mayberry wrote: I installed it w/o problems, and MM seemingly is working fine. Yours, Marketing On Sep 22, 2023, at 8:48 AM, Niall O'Reilly wrote: Has anyone here upgraded to v3.0 of SpamSieve? If so, did you no

Re: [MlMt] Save Attachments… – Exclude smallest files

2023-02-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
able to come up with sufficiently stringent criteria not to weed out other small files… On 25 Feb 2023, at 11:22, Thomas Eckhold wrote: Thank you for your suggestion, Zvi! Hazel is one of my favourite apps since at least 15 years. However, typically, I need to select different folders (customer

Re: [MlMt] Save Attachments… – Exclude smallest files

2023-02-25 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Thank you for your suggestion, Zvi! Hazel is one of my favourite apps since at least 15 years. However, typically, I need to select different folders (customer folders) to save the attachments. Often I create new subfolders during the saving process. Will think about to save to a „cleaning folde

[MlMt] Save Attachments… – Exclude smallest files

2023-02-25 Thread Thomas Eckhold
A function I use regularly is the possibility to save all attachments of a message externally in one step (Com-Opt-Shift-A). However, this really saves all attachments, including the smallest graphics (mostly company logos) and encryption signatures. Is there a way to exclude or limit these? P

[MlMt] Reply All and Reply Sender

2022-03-18 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Until recently, it was possible to switch back and forth between Reply All and Reply Sender when replying to a message, even in the draft stage (especially using the keyboard command CMD-SHIFT-R). This no longer seems to work. I would appreciate it if this could be done again. Thank you! __

Re: [MlMt] Printing of a message

2022-02-22 Thread Thomas Eckhold
First observation after initial tests: printing works normal again. Thank you! Thomas On 22 Feb 2022, at 16:48, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > On 21 Feb 2022, at 13:07, Henry Seiden wrote: > >> For me (similarly) on Mac OS 12.2.1 and version 1.14 Build 5871, the print >> dialog doesn’t open at

Re: [MlMt] Printing of a message

2022-02-21 Thread Thomas Eckhold
:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > On 21 Feb 2022, at 12:04, Thomas Eckhold wrote: > >> With version 1.14 (5870), running on macOS 12.2.1, the print dialogue always >> opens twice: The first time a message is printed without header, i.e. only >> the body. Then the print dial

[MlMt] Printing of a message

2022-02-21 Thread Thomas Eckhold
With version 1.14 (5870), running on macOS 12.2.1, the print dialogue always opens twice: The first time a message is printed without header, i.e. only the body. Then the print dialogue opens again and the message can be printed completely. Is this only the case with me or is it a general proble

Re: [MlMt] Updating SpamSieve

2021-05-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Maybe that is an issue to discuss with Michael Tsai the developer of SpamSieve? Looks there is a discussion about issues with M1 … Regards, Thomas On 5 May 2021, at 18:53, Jason Davies wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I don't do

Re: [MlMt] Copy/paste word in mailmate

2021-02-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 5 Feb 2021, at 18:23, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote: I use a clipboard manager for various things. One nice side effect of this is that it (optionally) strips all formatting from text and pasted plain text. V Does that help with the issue in MM? I use Copy’Em as clipboard manager but eve

Re: [MlMt] Copy/paste word in mailmate

2021-02-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Same here. A work around is to first copy the text into Notes or the Apple text editor and then copy and paste it into MM. Thomas On 5 Feb 2021, at 17:06, aisrael wrote: When I copy and paste a fragment of a MS Word document into a Mailmate mail, it appears as an attached .png image, instead

Re: [MlMt] r5757 Move to Mailbox broken?

2021-02-04 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I have noticed that in r5757 the move only works if the focus in MM is on the message pane (blue color of selected messages). As soon as the focus is somewhere else (on the pane of mailboxes and sources, for example), MM will not move even previously in the message pane selected messages. That w

Re: [MlMt] Show the mailbox of the currently selected message

2021-01-17 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Not sure it it is what you are looking for but have you tried the „Go to Source“ command? This can be invoked - by shortcut: Otion-Command-S - through the context menu if you right click on a message and - through the menubar in „Messages“. Regards, Thomas On 17 Jan 2021, at 13:00, Jolin Wa

Re: [MlMt] Can I view account password?

2020-08-30 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 30 Aug 2020, at 13:46, Thomas Bartlett via mailmate wrote: In the applications folder is a sub-folder called Utilities. In that sub-folder is an app called Keychain Access. When that app is opened, it shows on the dock an icon shaped like keys on a circular “chain.” At the top of the lef

Re: [MlMt] Can I view account password?

2020-08-30 Thread Thomas Eckhold
e it’s not too late to learn some of it. Thomas On Aug 30, 2020, at 12:18 AM, Thomas Eckhold wrote: Passwords should be stored in the keychain of MAC OS not in MM itself. Did you take a look there? Search for the name of the provider not MM. Kind regards Thomas Von meinem iPhone ge

Re: [MlMt] Can I view account password?

2020-08-30 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Passwords should be stored in the keychain of MAC OS not in MM itself. Did you take a look there? Search for the name of the provider not MM. Kind regards Thomas Von meinem iPhone gesendet > Am 30.08.2020 um 08:17 schrieb Thomas Bartlett via mailmate > : > > I use four email clients in my M

Re: [MlMt] Future of Markdown syntax in Mailmate

2020-08-10 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 10 Aug 2020, at 15:50, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote: I am missing ~~strikethrough~~ as well. that could be handy. I don’t know if it is possible via markdown but you can use SHIFT-CMD-X (refer to the Format menu) for that: s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ Not perfect but it works at least.

Re: [MlMt] Smart Mailbox / Sub Mailboxes / By Flag Color

2020-02-25 Thread Thomas Eckhold
To create sub-mailboxis per color you could set the value to „Flags >> Colorname“. („Submailbox for each unique value of Flags >> Colorname“) Regards, Thomas On 25 Feb 2020, at 19:29, Robert M. Münch wrote: > How can I create sub-mailboxes per flag color for a smart mailbox? signature.asc

Re: [MlMt] Keystroke to clear search?

2019-01-19 Thread Thomas Eckhold
8:23, Thomas Eckhold wrote: ESC works for me. Regards Thomas Sent from iPhone. Am 19.01.2019 um 13:19 schrieb Annamarie Pluhar : Hi I’m finding that I’m wanting a way to clear the search field without having to use the trackpad. Is there such a thing? I’m suspecting this might take me into c

Re: [MlMt] Keystroke to clear search?

2019-01-19 Thread Thomas Eckhold
ESC works for me. Regards Thomas Sent from iPhone. > Am 19.01.2019 um 13:19 schrieb Annamarie Pluhar : > > Hi > > I’m finding that I’m wanting a way to clear the search field without having > to use the trackpad. Is there such a thing? > > I’m suspecting this might take me into custom key

Re: [MlMt] Moving a message to a folder based on what account contains it

2018-08-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Don’t know if it is possible to achieve what you want directly through a single keybinding but you could setup a folder with respective rules. Then use a keybinding to move a message to that folder and the rules of the folder move the message depending on the source account to the desired folder

Re: [MlMt] Bringing the main window to the front?

2018-07-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Maybe of interest: I am using Witch since more than a decade and it allows switching between apps, windows and (really nice!) tabs. If you are keyboard driven than it is a very quick way to navigate… Regards, Thomas signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital s

Re: [MlMt] Preview, unified mailboxes, GPG key selection and muting mailboxes

2018-02-24 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 24 Feb 2018, at 17:03, Filip Stokkeland wrote: Rules was the first I checked. :) But I couldn't find a way to make the action part of rules mark message as read. (I see _move, copy, delete, redirect, export, set/remove tag, play sound_ and _run command_. Unless I can install a bundle to ge

Re: [MlMt] newbie

2018-02-19 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Basic approach: If your email provider allows you to create as many mailboxes (folders) as you need on his mailserver, you can use MailMate as you have used Apple Mail in the past. Instead of smart mailboxes just create (normal) mailboxes (= New IMAP Mailbox) on the sever. In such a mailbox yo

Re: [MlMt] Enhancement request: Right click on URL and launch non-default browser?

2018-01-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 26 Jan 2018, at 11:07, Paul Sture wrote: I get regular email newsletters containing containing URLs from various sources. Some of the websites work better in Firefox (my default browser), others work better in Safari. It would be really convenient to be able to right click and select "

Re: [MlMt] Add more specific buttons for attachment actions

2017-12-15 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Currently there is „Quick Look“ and „Save“. I would love to have „Open Attachment“ and „Save NAME …“ Both can be achieved with a right click (CRTL click) through the context menu. The „Save NAME …“ function can also be triggered by holding down the ALT key while clicking on the save button.

Re: [MlMt] iCloud accounts require an app specific password starting June 15th

2017-05-16 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I had to google it and found **F**ully **Q**ualified **D**omain **N**ame... Thomas On 16 May 2017, at 18:26, Richard Rettke wrote: On 16 May 2017, at 11:12, Brian LaFreda wrote: just don’t use the FQDN’d email address for username Hmm? Color me ignorant. I don't unde

Re: [MlMt] Zooming

2017-05-10 Thread Thomas Eckhold
CMD+- should work. Regards, Thomas On 10 May 2017, at 19:04, Dave C wrote: I accidentally pressed Cmd-+ several times when in mailbox view mode. The list view of mailboxes font size has increased. I don’t see a way to un-zoom the view. How do I go back to the smaller font size for the displ

Re: [MlMt] moveToJunk:

2016-11-08 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 8 Nov 2016, at 13:25, Patrik Fältström wrote: > I should have been careful and asked whether moveFromJunk: exists as a Key > Binding Selector use like moveToJunk? I see. I do not know but moveToJunk is a shorthand for ( 'moveToMailbox:', 'junk' ) so I would guess that moveFromJunk could be

Re: [MlMt] moveToJunk:

2016-11-08 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Do you mean „Move Out of Junk“? That is available for messages in the junk mailbox via - Shift-Cmd-J, - context menu and - through the Message menu in the menu bar. T. On 8 Nov 2016, at 13:06, Patrik Fältström wrote: > There is a function moveToJunk:, but is there also moveFromJunk:? > >

Re: [MlMt] Multiple email addresses per user in OS X Contacts and Mailmate

2016-09-14 Thread Thomas Eckhold
t what you mean? > > Rob > > On 14 Sep 2016, at 13:31, Thomas Eckhold wrote: > >>> We know we can create multiple card entries in Contacts to get around the >>> problem, but thats a dirty, tacky solution. We want to have a single entry >>> with multiple

Re: [MlMt] Multiple email addresses per user in OS X Contacts and Mailmate

2016-09-14 Thread Thomas Eckhold
> We know we can create multiple card entries in Contacts to get around the > problem, but thats a dirty, tacky solution. We want to have a single entry > with multiple emails addresses. I have created multiple contact groups in Contacts, e.g. one for the private email addresses and one for th

Re: [MlMt] save all attachments

2016-06-01 Thread Thomas Eckhold
You can use the command „Save Messages...“ from the Message menu (shortcut   ALT-SHIFT-CMD-A) which allows to select the destination as well. Also accessible by the context menu (CTRL-mouse click). --Thomas On 1 Jun 2016, at 9:15, Julien Cellario wrote: Good morning, anyone knows how to save

Re: [MlMt] Any news?

2016-02-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Please visit this [link]( from my original message. --Thomas On 27 Feb 2016, at 8:04, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: I was just going to ask: What is the „*Design Crowd Funding Ca

Re: [MlMt] Any news?

2016-02-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
believe an improved visual concept of MailMate would also help to get some UI issues solved or eased at least  (e.g. the issue with the „SideBar organisational tabs/menus“). --Thomas On 26 Feb 2016, at 11:14, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 26 Feb 2016, at 10:25, Thomas Eckhold wrote: I wonder

[MlMt] Any news?

2016-02-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Benny, I wonder if you could and want to share some news about the project [„Graphics Designer“]( Thanks, Thomas signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ mailmate mailing l

Re: [MlMt] Filters

2016-01-29 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Go to the General preferences pane and enable the 2.0 experimental features. Then double-click the mailbox for which you need to add rules (Inbox) and notice the Rules pane. Is it that what you are looking for? --Thomas On 29 Jan 2016, at 12:08, PhilDobbin wrote: Hi, all. I'm evaluating Mai

Re: [MlMt] changing the synchronisation schedule under 5 minutes

2016-01-18 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 18 Jan 2016, at 16:14, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: Sorry, but I really don't know. *IDLE connection* = synch. schedule CONNECTED in MailMate? Right now I have 3 different IMAP accounts configured in MailMate and none of them have *connected* as choosable alternative in the synchronization sche

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard-shortcuts for navigating MailMate

2016-01-16 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Then: custom key bindings... (I believe there are no default shortcuts). :-) --Thomas On 16 Jan 2016, at 11:42, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: I saw this too, but it’s 1. CMD-T 2. down arrow 3. enter (= 3 keytrokes) instead of CMD-1 (= only one keystroke) On 16 Jan 2016, at 11:39, Thomas

Re: [MlMt] "Junk State = Junk" & "Move to Junk" with one keystroke?

2016-01-16 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 16 Jan 2016, at 11:39, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: Thanks for your reply! You are welcome! Is there a place in MailMate to do this or is something I do in system preferences / Keyboard Maestro? It is a bit more tricky but explains in the MailMate help: Help menu I do not know whether thi

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard-shortcuts for navigating MailMate

2016-01-16 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I am using CMD-T (ALT-CMD-T for moving) to select specific mailboxes. MM searches as you type and learns what is searched most. --Thomas On 16 Jan 2016, at 11:17, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: Hello again! Speaking of keyboard-shortcuts: how can one switch to Inbox / Drafts / Sent Messages / Junk

Re: [MlMt] "Junk State = Junk" & "Move to Junk" with one keystroke?

2016-01-16 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I believe it is enough to move the message to junk and SpamSieve recognizes the messages as junk. This is possible via the Message menu, via the context menu (left click) or via the shortcut SHIFT-CMD-J. Of course, you can change the junk state as well through the same menus. However, I believ

Re: [MlMt] How to generate an OmniFocus-Task from an email in MailMate

2016-01-13 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I am not using OmniFocus but I believe you can use the OmniFocus bundle configurable through the preferences „Bundles“ and then available through the menu „Command“. --Thomas On 13 Jan 2016, at 2:05, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote: Hello! I’ve just switched from to MailMate and I would lik

Re: [MlMt] Disable saving sent mail altogether?

2016-01-12 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 12 Jan 2016, at 17:21, David Green wrote: On 12 Jan 2016, at 10:01, Sam Hathaway wrote: As another BCC'er who lives with the duplication, I like BCC because it 1. Let's me know the message got out For my work account I prefer to know whether a message has been delivered and use the

Re: [MlMt] Version 1.9.3 (5164) Release Notes?

2015-11-03 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 3 Nov 2015, at 18:40, Billy Youdelman wrote: In the past, installing an updated copy of MailMate displayed the release notes. That was the case for me. It was also possible to read them via the Help menu. Works for me. --Thomas ___ mailmate

Re: [MlMt] Malformed INBOXES

2015-09-15 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 15 Sep 2015, at 15:46, Kearney Buskirk wrote: On 15 Sep 2015, at 8:30, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 15 Sep 2015, at 15:06, Kearney Buskirk wrote: Thanks for your response. The most deeply nested superfluous INBOX can be deleted by deleting its trash but the malformed INBOX at the top l

Re: [MlMt] Searching in Subject line

2015-08-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Due to the fact that the to-header contains "MailMate Users" why not a rule based on this header? --Thomas On 26 Aug 2015, at 16:45, Enrico Thierbach wrote: On 26 Aug 2015, at 16:32, John Cooper wrote: This I understand. What I would like to see is mailing list messages not appear in my

Re: [MlMt] Searching in Subject line

2015-08-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Due to the fact that the to-header contains "MailMate Users" why not a rule based on this header? --Thomas On 26 Aug 2015, at 16:45, Enrico Thierbach wrote: This I understand. What I would like to see is mailing list messages not appear in my Inbox, i.e. automatically archived or such. Th

Re: [MlMt] Trial - excellent reception, but unable to send...

2015-08-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Open the „Activity Viewer“ (CMD-ALT-0 or in the menubar -> „Window“ -> „Activity Viewer“) and search for the SMTP server. Click at the relevant entry, that should to reveal the log data. --Thomas On 26 Aug 2015, at 16:06, 2bfree wrote: Dear List, I have downloaded the Trial version of Mail

Re: [MlMt] Silencing the beep when mail is checked

2015-07-28 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 28 Jul 2015, at 15:05, Bill Cole wrote: >> MailMate is not listed there, at least on my system. > > I am pretty sure I'm not hallucinating, but 3 people who don't see what I see > on my system (10.10.4) makes me worry. Does this pic > not show wh

Re: [MlMt] SubjectCopying messages

2015-06-08 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Invoke the "Move to …" command (CMD-ALT-T), select the target mailbox and then hit return while holding the option key (ALT) down. That will copy the message rather than moving. Regards, Thomas On 8 Jun 2015, at 3:24, Pascal Felber wrote: Hi, I might be missing something obvious, but how c

Re: [MlMt] Software update issue with latest test version (r5043)

2015-01-23 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Maybe Benny has pulled back 5043 due to a bug. I am on 5041 and reported a bug which causes MM to hang when evoking the search panel. --Thomas On 23 Jan 2015, at 16:48, Steve Mayer wrote: Just noticed that when trying to check for new versions within the software update pane, holding down the

Re: [MlMt] Removing attachments

2014-12-17 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I am assuming that you are talking about a draft of a message: You will find in the upper right hand corner of the composer window the menu "Attachments" which allows to "Attach Files" and to "Remove attachments". ![]( "Bildschirmfoto 2014-12

Re: [MlMt] Archive shortcut

2014-12-08 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I am using the 64 bit version (5025) and the archive shortcut works as expected for me. Thomas On 8 Dec 2014, at 10:28, Jean-Pierre Gattuso wrote: I am experimenting with the 64 bit version. All goes well except that I had a shortcut which no longer works. In the 32-bits version, cmd-shift-M

Re: [MlMt] Moving/copying messages between IMAP accounts

2014-12-07 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 7 Dec 2014, at 17:17, AC-Martin wrote: Is it possible to move/copy messages across IMAP accounts? It is possible. My workflow: 1. ALT-CMD-T to invoke the "Move to..." menu; 2. Select destination mailbox by typing a few letters of its name; 3. ENTER -> Message will be moved OR 3. ALT-E

Re: [MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Isn't VIP based on the email addresses? (Don't use it) If so, a smart mailbox which displays only specific email addresses should do the trick. Von meinem iPhone gesendet / Sent from my iPhone > Am 06.12.2014 um 05:27 schrieb Robert Garcia : > > I understand that, but I am also managing sever

Re: [MlMt] No more builds after 4587?

2014-11-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
There are new builds but for the 64bit version. Today Version 5021 was released. I guess Benny is working hard to make the switch to the 64bit version. Regards, Thomas On 26 Nov 2014, at 11:12, Bram Heerink wrote: Hi, I'm used to beta updates of MailMate approx. once a week. Now I have

Re: [MlMt] Syncing mailboxes

2014-11-18 Thread Thomas Eckhold
What do you mean with syncing? IMAP is a server based approach and the clients are syncing through the IMAP server anyway. What would you like to achieve? --Thomas On 18 Nov 2014, at 17:14, Capripot wrote: Hi, Something I would love to see coming in MailMate would be syncing parameters, an

Re: [MlMt] hide mailbox from Inbox

2014-09-23 Thread Thomas Eckhold
In my view the inbox is the inbox and should reflect all incoming messages. However, I am using for the purpose you have raised smart mailboxes: one for work related messages, one for private messages. In the "Mailbox" preferences of a smart mailbox you can specify the inboxes reflected by the

Re: [MlMt] Archive a thread?

2014-09-17 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 17 Sep 2014, at 13:16, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote: On 16 Sep 2014, at 12:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: is there a way to have the destination be Archive- ? archiving based on year of mail would be optimal, but archive into the current year (without having to update the keybindings) w

Re: [MlMt] Integrating Mailmate with Launchbar

2014-08-08 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 7 Aug 2014, at 22:33, Luca Allodi wrote: And, importantly, would anybody be interested in such an extension in the first place? :-) I cannot comment to your questions regarding the API's and what is possible but as a Launchbar user I am interested in any extension to streamline my workfl

Re: [MlMt] .zip Attachments

2014-07-01 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Same here, but in addition I use [Entropy]( One nice feature is that I can open an archive without unpacking and just use quick look inside Entropy to preview the selected files. --Thomas On 1 Jul 2014, at 10:08, Fabian Blechschmidt wrote: Hey Roland, I

Re: [MlMt] I don't expect support soon, but, heads up. (Yosemite)

2014-06-04 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 3 Jun 2014, at 21:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 3 Jun 2014, at 20:59, Scott A. McIntyre wrote: I had to pull the test version. The fix has broken the display of plain text messages on Mavericks for several users. It works for me though and I haven't yet figured out what makes it fail f

Re: [MlMt] Feature request - highlighting related messages in a thread.

2014-06-03 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 3 Jun 2014, at 22:54, Scott A. McIntyre wrote: One of the things that I really enjoyed about was NOT putting things into Conversation view (or thread, if you prefer that term) but, instead, taking advantage of the highlighting of messages which are in the same thread (or related).

Re: [MlMt] Zeichen ersetzen in PDFs

2014-05-21 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Zwar falsche Liste, aber dennoch eine Antwort: Es gibt m.W. nur wenige Tools für OSX, die überhaupt eine Bearbeitung des Textes in PDFs ermöglichen. Dies gilt jedenfalls, wenn es nicht um das bloße Überdecken des alten Textes mit einem neuen geht, sondern eine echte Ersetzung, damit dieser auch

Re: [MlMt] Copy To... ?

2014-05-11 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 11 May 2014, at 8:53, Jeremy Cowgar wrote: I figured out I can use my Option key to copy a message to a folder, but is there a Copy To... context menu or a way I can cause Cmd-Opt-T to Copy a message? Yep, the latter is possible. Select the target folder and hold down the ALT-key while

Re: [MlMt] Error loading auto-saved draft

2014-05-05 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 5 May 2014, at 17:42, Kee Hinckley wrote: The latest MailMate update notice (Version 1.8 (4214)) came in while I was composing an message and without thinking about it, I said to install. It quit, came up, and then asked me if I wanted to import my auto-saved draft. I said yes. The ne

Re: [MlMt] nested rule group?

2014-05-02 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Don't know but I believe it is a standard OSX behavior because other applications working the same way (e.g. iTunes). --Thomas On 2 May 2014, at 16:17, Michael Sale wrote: Perfect! Was that in the docs somewhere? On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 6:24 AM, Thomas Eckhold wrote: It shou

Re: [MlMt] nested rule group?

2014-05-02 Thread Thomas Eckhold
It should be possible. Insert the ALL conditions and then hold down the ALT key while adding a new condition (this changes the plus button to three dots), click the three dots button to create the ANY conditions. Does that help? --Thomas On 2 May 2014, at 14:15, Michael Sale wrote: I need t

Re: [MlMt] Creating a new IMAP mailbox from the keyboard

2014-04-02 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 2 Apr 2014, at 17:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 2 Apr 2014, at 17:00, Matt Gray wrote: That would be `newIMAPMailbox:`. I'll add that and `newSmartMailbox:` to the official list. For now, note that `newIMAPMailbox:` does not behave well (crash?) if an IMAP mailbox is not selected (fi

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate now supports html signatures

2014-03-07 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I noticed a maybe related issue: When I choose a (plain text) signature *after* I have written the text body, the signature will be placed above the text. I believe this was different in the past. Regards, Thomas On 7 Mar 2014, at 18:36, Olivier Bedouelle wrote: Hi benny, When I write a m

Re: [MlMt] save as... for attachements ?

2014-02-25 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I like the idea to change the save button behavior using a modifier key. However, I understood from previous discussions that Benny still considers different solutions to handle attachments better and easier (especially when they are scattered in a unorganized message...). What you can do righ

Re: [MlMt] Quicklook pdf-files in Mailmate only shows thumbnail of pdf

2014-02-18 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I am running MailMate 1.7.2 (4025) on OSX 10.9.1 without this issue. Quicklook works as expected. I haven't installed Adobe Pro but Adobe Reader. However, I always disable the Safari (and probably for other apps as well) plugin because in my experience it only messes Safari up. On the other

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate to Evernote

2013-11-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 26 Nov 2013, at 16:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Would that be possible for [The Hit List]( as well? Possible yes. I assume that is an implicit request? :-) You caught me. :-) --Thomas___ mailmate mailin

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate to Evernote

2013-11-26 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 26 Nov 2013, at 14:48, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane. I've included an Evernote AND a Things bundle matching the functionality of OmniFocus/Reminders. I'm still thinking about how to offer some options for these bund

Re: [MlMt] Text copy of complete email

2013-11-22 Thread Thomas Eckhold
If you want the full header or to extract some parts of the header you could change to "Show Raw Message" (ALT-CMD-U) as well. --Thomas On 22 Nov 2013, at 9:53, Jacques wrote: On 22 Nov 2013, at 1:43, Amiram Reuveni wrote: In the message menu choose "Show in Finder", press Space to quick vi

Re: [MlMt] Bug Mark as Unread

2013-11-14 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Shortcuts are working for me as well. Thomas On 14 Nov 2013, at 16:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 14 Nov 2013, at 16:21, Olivier Bedouelle wrote: I'm use Mailmate 3839. It's not possible to mark as Unread or read a message. A shortcut and menu don't work. I didn't change much and it w

Re: [MlMt] Copy and paste doesn't work?

2013-11-11 Thread Thomas Eckhold
It works as expected for me. Thomas On 11 Nov 2013, at 13:52, Michal Hruska wrote: Hi, for a moment I was thinking that I'm too tired already, but it seems that after upgrade to the latest version (3836) copy&paste doesn't work anymore (keyboard shorcuts nor via menu) in message composer w

Re: [MlMt] Crowd funding MailMate 2014; When is version 2 coming out

2013-11-11 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I just got two empty messages. Probably not intended... On 11 Nov 2013, at 10:30, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > ___ > mailmate mailing list > > __

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-20 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 20 Sep 2013, at 11:52, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > The latest test version has two new features: > > * `copyToMailbox:` custom key binding selector to make key bindings for > directly copying messages to a specific mailbox. > * When holding down ⌥ then the “Move to Mailbox...” panel changes i

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-19 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Thanks! Von meinem iPhone gesendet > Am 19.09.2013 um 12:25 schrieb "Benny Kjær Nielsen" : > > On 18 Sep 2013, at 16:20, Thomas Eckhold wrote: > > Maybe it could be an additional modifier key to change the "Move to mailbox…" > (Alt-Cmd-t) to a "Copy

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Thomas Eckhold
I haven't found a way to tag all messages that way that I never need to copy a message. One example is when I want to store a message on different IMAP servers. We use shared IMAP accounts and sometimes I need to transfer a message from the shared to one of my personal IMAP accounts (without f

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Maybe it could be an additional modifier key to change the "Move to mailbox…" (Alt-Cmd-t) to a "Copy to mailbox…" (like Ctrl-Alt-Cmd-t) command and use the same UI? Regards, Thomas On 18 Sep 2013, at 16:10, Ralph Alvy wrote: Ah, I see that. How about a copyToMailbox command so we can do this

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME certificate installation

2013-07-25 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Von meinem iPhone gesendet Am 25.07.2013 um 05:22 schrieb "Bill Cole" : > > Non-obvious, kludgy, but works: > > Message->Quick Look Attachments > Click "Open in Keychain Access" button in QL window That works! Thanks for the hint! smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature _

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME certificate installation

2013-07-24 Thread Thomas Eckhold
to the keychain. > > On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Thomas Eckhold wrote: >> That is something I wonder as well. I haven't found a way to tell MM to >> accept certificates. However, sometimes I think MM automatically detects >> when it has received a certificate a

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME certificate installation

2013-07-24 Thread Thomas Eckhold
That is something I wonder as well. I haven't found a way to tell MM to accept certificates. However, sometimes I think MM automatically detects when it has received a certificate and allows to encrypt an email. But I don't understand when and why this happens. I would be glad if MM would be mor

Re: [MlMt] layout bug

2013-04-30 Thread Thomas Eckhold
> On 27 Apr 2013, at 16:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > > Off topic: The test version also includes support for a live preview in the > composer which could be useful for Markdown users. The preview can be > enabled/disabled in the “View ▸ Layout” menu as well. When I compose a new message the li

[MlMt] message:// links

2013-02-27 Thread Thomas Eckhold
My result is the same as Amiram has reported. Dragging a message to The Hit List or Calendar creates a link which refers to MailMate and not to OS X 10.8.2; MailMate 1.5.2 (3256); MailMate is set as default email client; is not configured (no accounts installed). --Thomas

[MlMt] Test version available: Support for tags using IMAP keywords

2012-12-14 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 14 Dec 2012, at 9:37, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote: > On 14 Dec 2012, at 9:29, Thomas Eckhold wrote: > >> The idea is to store all messages related to one client in one >> mailbox but to distinguish the messages by tags. That will allow me >> to use smart mailboxes to

[MlMt] Test version available: Support for tags using IMAP keywords

2012-12-14 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 14 Dec 2012, at 9:26, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote: > The main difference between these solutions are that you can (should) > only move a message to a single IMAP mailbox. Tags do not have this > limitation. Exactly!

[MlMt] Test version available: Support for tags using IMAP keywords

2012-12-14 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 14 Dec 2012, at 0:22, Alexandre Takacs wrote: > On 11 Dec 2012, at 15:14, Thomas Eckhold wrote: > >> Just a quick feedback: Tagging works really nice and I really like >> the unobtrusive and highly functional UI! Very well done! > > I'm sure a bit unimaginative

[MlMt] Test version available: Support for tags using IMAP keywords

2012-12-11 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Hi Benny, Just a quick feedback: Tagging works really nice and I really like the unobtrusive and highly functional UI! Very well done! Regards, Thomas On 7 Dec 2012, at 17:21, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote: > Hi, > > if anyone wants to test a new interface for tagging messages then a > test build

[MlMt] Key Bindings with "conditions"?

2012-04-15 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 15 Apr 2012, at 15:57, Niels Kobsch?tzki wrote: > Not really. Rules apply usually automatically when mail arrives. But I > want to keep my mails in the mailbox until I've seen them and want to > sort (at least some of them) afterwards. Kinda like rules but they get > only applied to the sele

[MlMt] Key Bindings with "conditions"?

2012-04-15 Thread Thomas Eckhold
p to store mails in different folders (and use the archive function). The order would be done by tags and smart folders. Hope, tags are high priority. Btw, I am the only one missing S/MIME support? Regards, Thomas -- Thomas Eckhold Sent with my iPhone On Sunday, 15. April 2012 at 12:21, Niels K

[MlMt] "Save" button for attachments

2012-01-13 Thread Thomas Eckhold
Good point. However, I usually want to save an attachment into a specific folder (using "Save attachment...") and use the option in the contextual menu (mouse right-click) to do so. Therefore, a "button" which would allow to save a single or *all* attachments (like in MailApp) would be even bet

[MlMt] Default app

2011-10-20 Thread Thomas Eckhold
On 20 Oct 2011, at 13:44, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote: > This turned out to be a non-trivial question. The short answer is: No, > iCal is hardcoded to use and does not look for the default > email client (which essentially just binds mailto: links to an > application). Does that mean it

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