Dear All,
I would like to change the default date format day/month/year to year/month/day
in the date received column. How can i do it?
mailmate mailing list
Dear All,
I reinstalled my MailMate (due to the ProtonMail deleted mail sync problems). I
downloaded the latest stable build 5937. I tried to check and download the
latest test build with otpion + click combo onto the “Check for Test build”,
but I get the following message:
Up To Date. You are
Anyone can help me please?
2023. 11. 23. 12:30 keltezéssel, Tóth András írta:
> Dear MailMate Community!
> I have a synchronisation problem between MailMate v1.14 (6113) and Protonmail
> bridge (using the taltest build):
> when i’m deleting an e-mail in MailMa
Dear MailMate Community!
I have a synchronisation problem between MailMate v1.14 (6113) and Protonmail
bridge (using the taltest build):
when i’m deleting an e-mail in MailMate the messaage moved to trash (in MM),
but in my Protonmail mobile app i still see the deleted e-mail.
Fun fact: if i del
There is an annoying error in MailMate: some of my Protonmail’s e-mails are
missing in my MM inbox. I tried to search it, but i didn’t found it. When i
sign it to the Protonmail web interface i already see those missing e-mails in
my PM inbox.
Have you got any idea what is this issue? O
Dear MailMate Community,
I have 3 personal mail accounts and an other for work. Should i create a
separated inbox view which includes only 3 personal acc, and an other view for
the work address? If yes how can i do that?
mailmate m