Re: [MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-06 Thread Robert Garcia
The experiment you did with apple mail and syncing, was next on my list to try. I will do some research and see if I can find some api to get at VIP data stored in the cloud. -- Robert Garcia BigHead Technology 15520 Coutolenc Rd Magalia, Ca 95954 ph: 530.645.4040 fax: 530.645.4040 rgar

Re: [MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-05 Thread Robert Garcia
I understand that, but I am also managing several clients/users and that is a concern of theirs. All that would be needed would be to create a smart mailbox of VIPs. I think that VIP list is in xml and stored on a user machine, not sure if that is standard. -- Robert Garcia BigHead Technology

[MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-05 Thread Robert Garcia
issue. How to make some type of smart folder with VIP users? We all user our iPhones and iPads and use VIP, and when your desktop client doesn't comply, it makes it tough. It is probably the only single feature that pulls me back to apple mail. Any thoughts? -- Robert Garcia BigHead Techno