Re: [MlMt] Update check fails (was: Re: Beta Downloads (was: Thanks for r5826 — Composer fix))

2021-10-07 Thread Greg Earle
On 7 Oct 2021, at 11:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 7 Oct 2021, at 19:46, Raza Rizvi wrote: As a follow-up, suggestion of a reboot appears to correct the chained certificate issue on my home machine. Ah, good to know. That al

Re: [MlMt] Update check fails (was: Re: Beta Downloads (was: Thanks for r5826 — Composer fix))

2021-10-07 Thread Greg Earle
On 7 Oct 2021, at 9:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 1 Oct 2021, at 20:17, Greg Earle wrote: I just noticed (from looking at Bob's archives URL) that I am still running the Public MailMate 1.13.2 (5673) release from last year. I went into Preferences... -> Software Update and was s

[MlMt] Update check fails (was: Re: Beta Downloads (was: Thanks for r5826 — Composer fix))

2021-10-01 Thread Greg Earle
On 24 Sep 2021, at 14:25, Bob Stern wrote: This URL sorts by date:;O=D Bob On 23 Sep 2021, at 10:18, wrote: It's not sorted by date so be careful you don't accidentally download an old ve

[MlMt] Disabling auto-switching of sender From: address?

2021-09-09 Thread Greg Earle
Benny, MailMate has this troubling habit of sometimes auto-switching the From: address (if you have multiple e-mail accounts) to another account, depending on what the recipient address is. This can be simply annoying or downright embarrassing, depending on the recipient and the name on the

[MlMt] Where is message flag color information kept?

2021-07-15 Thread Greg Earle
Benny et al., I'm trying to migrate my mail server at work and have come across something I don't understand. If I mark messages in my work e-mail account (in MailMate) with red/yellow/green etc., MailMate running on my home Mac and my work Mac correctly see the colors. Also, if I run Appl

[MlMt] Changing the default headers displayed?

2021-05-03 Thread Greg Earle
Is there a way, perhaps via "defaults write", to change the list of displayed headers? From a cursory glance it looks to me like the defaults are Resent-From: From: Subject: Date: To: I don't see an obvious way to change that. I'd like to add X-PhishMe: to my list of displayed headers. Tha

Re: [MlMt] Highlighting the entire email "entry line" in the mailbox?

2021-03-07 Thread Greg Earle
On 22 Aug 2020, at 8:44, Glenn Parker wrote: On 22 Aug 2020, at 0:23, Dave C wrote: Will MM allow the highlighting (by coloring the background or text) of an entry in a mailbox? This is the one-line entry for each email in a mailbox. I know of the “flag” I can add to an email, but I’m looki

Re: [MlMt] New Yahoo! Mail restrictions for 3rd party e-mail client access as of Oct. 20th 2020

2020-08-26 Thread Greg Earle
On 25 Aug 2020, at 12:17, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote: Application password should work. I use this sort of mechanism for Apple account. On 25 Aug 2020, at 15:13, Greg Earle wrote: Today I got an e-mail from Yahoo! with Subject: "Important security notice for your Yahoo account"

[MlMt] New Yahoo! Mail restrictions for 3rd party e-mail client access as of Oct. 20th 2020

2020-08-25 Thread Greg Earle
All: I use MailMate for all of my e-mail accounts, including a throwaway Yahoo! Mail account I only use for external verification of other accounts and a few mailing list subs from shopping sites. Today I got an e-mail from Yahoo! with Subject: "Important security notice for your Yahoo accou

Re: [MlMt] Is MailMate susceptible to this vulnerability? CVE-2020-11879 CVE-2020-11880 CVE-2020-4089

2020-08-21 Thread Greg Earle
On 20 Aug 2020, at 11:38, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: Just a quick review: The paper does not state the version of MailMate used for the tests and the public release of MailMate does not behave as described in the paper. The paper describes three issues labelled A1-A3. Benny: According to CV

[MlMt] MailMate overriding my outbound settings when sending to my other accounts

2020-06-03 Thread Greg Earle
Benny, I've noticed a couple of times that MailMate has this annoying habit. Imagine I've got the following e-mail accounts: Work Personal (This doesn't exist, but work with me h

Re: [MlMt] Tab stops and previews of multiple selected messages

2019-04-06 Thread Greg Earle
On 5 Apr 2019, at 14:59, Robert Brenstein wrote: Have you tried opening each message in its own window? Shift-cmd-o instead of cmd-o after you select multiple messages. I am opening some times on the order of 30-40 messages this way at once. Robert, I'm not opening multiple messages. I am

[MlMt] Tab stops and previews of multiple selected messages

2019-04-05 Thread Greg Earle
Benny, Two unrelated questions: MailMate seems to default to tab stops being set to 4. I'm old and like 8. Any way to change it? I did a "defaults read" and looked through the output but didn't see anything. Also looked in ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/*.plist. Nada. On a co

Re: [MlMt] Bounce Message Forwarding

2018-11-20 Thread Greg Earle
On 16 Nov 2018, at 6:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 13 Nov 2018, at 10:53, Jan Münnich wrote: MailMate doesn't display bounce messages as plain text but with a special formatting. The headers of the bounced message are in a grey box while the main headers and body are in a yellow box. Whe

Re: [MlMt] Ghost messages in message list pane

2018-03-20 Thread Greg Earle
On 10 Mar 2018, at 13:59, Eric Sharakan wrote: On 9 Mar 2018, at 4:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 6 Mar 2018, at 14:20, Eric Sharakan wrote: This is an odd one. Running r5460, every once in a while when switching mailboxes, a message from the swtiched-away-from mailbox remains in the mes

[MlMt] UI/UX issues

2017-07-24 Thread Greg Earle
I've been loving watching MailMate catch up to Apple Mail in usability over the last few years, but some UI/UX issues still drive me a bit crazy. If I switch from one folder to another, where I end up in that new folder seems to be nearly random: Sometimes I end up at the most recent message