Re: [MlMt] Calendar/Busycal plugins

2021-05-28 Thread Fritz via mailmate
I don’t use BusyCal but I also noticed that the Fantastical “Create Event” plugin command also stopped working, but more recently - within the past few months. I haven’t pursued it. Thanks. -Fritz On 28 May 2021, at 16:17, Zvi Biener wrote: Hi Everyone, Sometime in the last year of updates,

Re: [MlMt] Dark Mode

2020-08-20 Thread Fritz via mailmate
If you want to override the system defaults use the following shell command: `defaults write com.freron.MailMate NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes` The argument of *yes* will force light mode, *no* will force dark mode. Replace *-bool yes* with *delete* to reset to system default.

Re: [MlMt] Using tab & shift-tab to move focus among MM controls not working right (r5690)

2020-05-28 Thread Fritz via mailmate
I am also a user of keyboard navigation, and I have noticed the same thing. Another problem that may be related is that using space to read through unread mail doesn’t always work. Sometimes it does nothing. Sometimes it will scroll the current message but not advance to the next unread messa