Re: [MlMt] Reinstalling MailMate after a Mac OS Erase and Install

2022-02-09 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 9 Feb 2022, at 15:16, Alexandre Takacs wrote: If you want to restore from a backup then there are quite a few files you will need to put back at their original location - tbh I don’t have a list and would be interested in having one :) See [How to transfer MailMate Settings to another com

Re: [MlMt] Are any of my posts getting through?

2022-02-07 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 6 Feb 2022, at 15:29, Henry Seiden wrote: I’ve sent in several posts that don’t seem to get published. Why? There is also a [searchable archive]( of this list where you can check just to be sure. Kind regards — Florian___

Re: [MlMt] CPU around 60% with r5852

2021-12-09 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 9 Dec 2021, at 18:17, Bill Cole wrote: > On 2021-12-09 at 10:43:18 UTC-0500 (Thu, 09 Dec 2021 16:43:18 +0100) > Florian Heidenreich > is rumored to have said: > >> I'm observing high CPU usage of around ~60% CPU on a MacBook Air M1 under >> Big Sur 11.6.1 whe

[MlMt] CPU around 60% with r5852

2021-12-09 Thread Florian Heidenreich
I'm observing high CPU usage of around ~60% CPU on a MacBook Air M1 under Big Sur 11.6.1 when doing nothing with MailMate r5852. My observations so far: - does not happen when starting MailMate - starts after sending an email or reading a couple of messages from my inbox - stops and goes to 0%

Re: [MlMt] MailMate release notes

2021-12-08 Thread Florian Heidenreich
I actually like it and admire the amount of work that is put into the release notes. It truly shows how much Benny is caring. I also like the grouping into different aspects of the app, so that I can, e.g., skip the OpenPGP part (which I currently don't use). From what I observe, the restructur

Re: [MlMt] Markdown confusion with line breaks between paragraphs

2021-11-18 Thread Florian Heidenreich
plications/\ CSS.mmFilter ``` - reboot Good luck! -Eric On 18 Nov 2021, at 8:10, Florian Heidenreich wrote: That's interesting. I have "Inline CSS (with Premailer)" selected at *Preferences → Composer*. Th

Re: [MlMt] Markdown confusion with line breaks between paragraphs

2021-11-18 Thread Florian Heidenreich
t why I couldn't see that option for a while). I previously was using "Inline CSS (with Premailer)". -Eric On 18 Nov 2021, at 3:37, Florian Heidenreich wrote: I've noticed this too and the only way to circumvent this and go back into normal editing mode is to remove the last newli

Re: [MlMt] Markdown confusion with line breaks between paragraphs

2021-11-18 Thread Florian Heidenreich
I've noticed this too and the only way to circumvent this and go back into normal editing mode is to remove the last newline after the quoted text. By that, quoted text that appeared with a gray background changes into text with normal background but blue text font. Kind regards — Florian On

Re: [MlMt] R5813/Big Sur: Forward only includes headers

2021-06-18 Thread Florian Heidenreich
This has most likely been fixed with r5814 (current is r5815). > Fixed: Previous release broke forwarding. Kind regards — Florian On 18 Jun 2021, at 16:40, Joseph P. Hillenburg wrote: > I opened a bug tracker issue (2839) on this, but forwarding an item using > build R5813 on Big Sur (M1), th

Re: [MlMt] Total message count in window title

2021-05-10 Thread Florian Heidenreich
. I agree it's not > very useful, and want the total number of messages displayed as before. > > -Eric > > On 3 May 2021, at 10:39, Florian Heidenreich wrote: > >> Starting with r5799, MailMate’s window title doesn’t show the total number >> of messages o

[MlMt] Total message count in window title

2021-05-03 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Starting with r5799, MailMate’s window title doesn’t show the total number of messages of the current mailbox anymore. Instead, the number of selected messages is shown for me (often alternating between *1 message* and *0 messages*). For me, this is not particular useful information and I’d pre

Re: [MlMt] Changes in mail list scrolling behavior with v1.13 (5655)

2019-10-03 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi again, I think this was a false alarm - sorry to all who already tried to reproduce it. I’ve set changed the sorting in the meanwhile and set it to „Date Received“ again and now it seems to work like before. Kind regards — Florian On 3 Oct 2019, at 14:04, Florian Heidenreich wrote: Hi

[MlMt] Changes in mail list scrolling behavior with v1.13 (5655)

2019-10-03 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi all, I’ve noticed a slight but hard to ignore change in the mail list scrolling behavior with v1.13 (5655). I have MailMate configured in the way that newest messages appear at the bottom of the mail list. Now, whenever a new mail arrives, it doesn’t automatically scroll down to show the

Re: [MlMt] Mail-Templates?

2019-02-11 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi Matthias, On 11 Feb 2019, at 12:03, Matthias Schmidt wrote: is there a possibility to create templates and snippets for e-mails? Maybe I can introduce you to a different approach that I’m using? It’s based on expanding short sequences of text into pre-defined templates. For example, you w

Re: [MlMt] Links to email messages

2019-01-31 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 31 Jan 2019, at 16:37, John Cooper wrote: Florian Heidenreich wrote (at 2:23 on 31 Jan 2019): I’m often keeping track of specific conversations by creating a link to a specific email in another program by dragging the email to this program. This is meant as a general question, and not

Re: [MlMt] Question on different pasteboard contents at drag'n'drop

2019-01-31 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 31 Jan 2019, at 11:33, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: For some emails MailMate creates items like - public.url-name - 'urln' - public.utf8-plain-text - NSStringPboardType but for others it doesn’t. Unfortunately, I don’t see the pattern. Can anyone shed some light into this? This depends

[MlMt] Question on different pasteboard contents at drag'n'drop

2019-01-31 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi, I’m often keeping track of specific conversations by creating a link to a specific email in another program by dragging the email to this program. This often works as expected and creates a message://%3c… link in the other program. But about the same time, it doesn’t work as expected an

Re: [MlMt] Installing gpg2 via homebrew?

2019-01-23 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 24 Jan 2019, at 5:15, leo wrote: The Help pages say I should install it via the GPGTools, but whenever possible I try to install command line tools via [Homebrew]( `brew` lists a gpg2 formula as installable – is this save to use for MailMate? Do I have to hint to MailMa

Re: [MlMt] "Line Height Delta" doesn't seem to work anymore in Mojave

2018-09-27 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi Sam, there is a ticket on the MailMate tracker on that: Can you change to -7 and see if it makes any difference? Kind regards — Florian On 27 Sep 2018, at 19:45, Sam Hathaway wrote: Hi

Re: [MlMt] URL addresses

2018-03-28 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi Eric, this only happens with HTML messages, where the displayed URL text differs from the actual URL that’s triggered when clicking on the text. An example that shows the detection of mismatching URLs [](

Re: [MlMt] Unique submailboxes based on regular expression

2018-03-22 Thread Florian Heidenreich
ject.blob} i hope this workaround helps you without editing *.plist files On 9 Mar 2018, at 13:16, Florian Heidenreich wrote: Hi, I’m trying to create a smart mailbox with submailboxes for each result of a regular expression on the mail subject. I’m using a regexp format string [1] for the mail

Re: [MlMt] Unique submailboxes based on regular expression

2018-03-09 Thread Florian Heidenreich
On 9 Mar 2018, at 13:53, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 9 Mar 2018, at 13:16, Florian Heidenreich wrote: Is there a way to create unique submailboxes based on regular expressions? Yes, but it's a bit more complicated. I believe you can find help in [this thread](https://www

[MlMt] Unique submailboxes based on regular expression

2018-03-09 Thread Florian Heidenreich
Hi, I’m trying to create a smart mailbox with submailboxes for each result of a regular expression on the mail subject. I’m using a regexp format string [1] for the mailbox name format which works and produces the correct names. However, it seems not possible to make the submailboxes unique