Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-07 Thread Ben Klebe
No, he’s saying that when the practice began doesn’t matter because it’s not part of 21st century typography. Sincerely, Ben Klebe On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 11:46 PM, Eric A. Meyer wrote: > I'll offer my own but of insight: Butterick is right that it doesn't > matter. I

Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-07 Thread Ben Klebe
es is an ob­so­lete habit. Some say the habit orig­i­nated in the type­writer era. Oth­ers be­lieve it be­gan ear­lier. But guess what? It doesn’t mat­ter. Be­cause ei­ther way, it’s not part of to­day’s ty­po­graphic prac­tice." Sincerely, Ben Klebe On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 11:12 PM,

Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-07 Thread Ben Klebe
Oh I guess OP is not composing in plain text? My apologies. Sincerely, Ben Klebe On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Billy Youdelman wrote: > Using the composer's plain text mode seems to be one way. As can be > seen here. Two spaces. > ビリー ヨーデルマん > +1 310 839 7673

Re: [MlMt] Any way to prevent auto-correcting two spaces after a period to one?

2015-06-07 Thread Ben Klebe
The autocorrect is system-wide in Cocoa text fields. To change it, go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Text and uncheck “Correct spelling automatically.” Strangely though I can’t replicate this behavior and furthermore why would you want two spaces after a period? Sincerely, Ben

[MlMt] FIXMEs in Gmail bindings plist

2015-05-26 Thread Ben Klebe
t;toggleReadState:"; // FIXME: Should be ( "markAsRead:", "nextMessage:"); "U" = "toggleReadState:"; // FIXME: Should be "markAsUnRead:" Sincerely, Ben Klebe ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Evaluation results

2015-05-19 Thread Ben Klebe
y one with low memory safety like C, is doomed to suffer bugs such as these. It's a consequence of the style. Entirely bug-free software will never be written in a C-derived language, especially not the first time. Sincerely, Ben Klebe signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Evaluation results

2015-05-19 Thread Ben Klebe
need help. Don't come whining to a single indie developer's mailing list about how much their and everyone else's product sucks. It adds literally nothing to the conversation and makes you look bad. Sincerely, Ben Klebe signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature _

Re: [MlMt] Dispatch for iPhone and MailMate

2015-05-15 Thread Ben Klebe
e's [Gmail]/Archive label. Problem solved. Sincerely, Ben Klebe ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Dispatch for iPhone and MailMate

2015-05-15 Thread Ben Klebe
On 15 May 2015, at 21:26, Ben Klebe wrote: Any ideas for workarounds that solve this? And within 15 minutes I've solved my own problem. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. For the record what I did was setup a Gmail filter that labeled all incoming messages with the special MailMa

[MlMt] Dispatch for iPhone and MailMate

2015-05-15 Thread Ben Klebe
I know MailMate uses a special Gmail label to fetch the archive, but for some reason whenever I use Dispatch to archive messages on my phone they don't get fetched on MailMate. Any ideas for workarounds that solve this? Sincerely, Ben

Re: [MlMt] Customizing Bundles

2015-04-28 Thread Ben Klebe
I've changed them before. Just seeing if anyone else wanted it because I could also fork the repo, change it, then pull request the changes. ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Customizing Bundles

2015-04-27 Thread Ben Klebe
Hi all, While we're discussing OmniFocus, is it possible to get a discrete keyboard shortcut from the Evernote ones? Should I pull request the git repo with suggested changes? ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Accidental Label Deletion

2015-04-12 Thread Ben Klebe
On 12 Apr 2015, at 20:35, Ben Klebe wrote: I was cleaning out a Gmail account from the web client and stupidly deleted the "[Gmail]/Archive" label that is placed there automatically by MailMate. Any suggestions for what I should do to fix this? I already tried replacing it and it do

[MlMt] Accidental Label Deletion

2015-04-12 Thread Ben Klebe
I was cleaning out a Gmail account from the web client and stupidly deleted the "[Gmail]/Archive" label that is placed there automatically by MailMate. Any suggestions for what I should do to fix this? I already tried replacing it and it doesn't seem to have helped. Sincer