Re: [MlMt] MailMate crashes on trying to print under Sequoia 15.2

2025-01-16 Thread Andrew Buc
On 16 Jan 2025, at 8:42, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: > On 16 Jan 2025, at 3:39, Andrew Buc wrote: > >> I’m on my 3rd day of using my new M4 Mac mini. My local Mac tech brought >> everything over from my previous Intel Mac running MacOS 10.13.6, and things >> have been pre

[MlMt] MailMate crashes on trying to print under Sequoia 15.2

2025-01-15 Thread Andrew Buc
I’m on my 3rd day of using my new M4 Mac mini. My local Mac tech brought everything over from my previous Intel Mac running MacOS 10.13.6, and things have been pretty smooth with all apps. But when I press Cmd-P to print an email in MM, MM crashes. I assume that downloading the current beta is

Re: [MlMt] Becoming a MM patron

2024-06-30 Thread Andrew Buc
On 8 Jun 2024, at 7:33, Steven Taylor wrote: Google isn’t your friend anymore. They have the power and they’re going to use it. So much for “don’t be evil.” I got a Gmail account when Gmail was introduced, just in case. It’s never been my primary email, and I’ve only ever accessed it through

Re: [MlMt] good email providers that play well w/ MailMate [was: moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?]

2023-04-18 Thread Andrew Buc
On 14 Apr 2023, at 7:09, John Doherty wrote: If you want to leave liquidweb entirely, then you will have to have the DNS for the domain hosted elsewhere. Fastmail can do that for you or you could choose another DNS provider. I don’t remember whether I got my domain (later supplant

Re: [MlMt] good email providers that play well w/ MailMate [was: moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?]

2023-04-13 Thread Andrew Buc
On 13 Apr 2023, at 13:05, Ken Pope wrote: Two or three of the online review services that review different email providers had two general concerns about Fastmail (aside from privacy, which I’m aware of): (a) service outages, & (b) occasional lag times of 3,4, or even up to 7 hours before a re

Re: [MlMt] good email providers that play well w/ MailMate [was: moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?]

2023-04-13 Thread Andrew Buc
On 12 Apr 2023, at 11:25, Maurice Mines wrote: Hi you might try talking to Hover at 866-731-6556 they due domains and email boxs together. When I was shopping for a new domain registrar a couple of years ago (before GoDaddy forced my hand, as I related recently), I checked out Hover. At

Re: [MlMt] moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?

2023-04-06 Thread Andrew Buc
Please let us know whom you end up with and how you like them. On 5 Apr 2023, at 13:39, Ken Pope wrote: Looking forward (sort of). Had done a lot of searching to find a company that was significantly cheaper than the wonderful Liquid Web (I hate leaving them—they’re terrific) and Go Daddy see

Re: [MlMt] moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?

2023-04-05 Thread Andrew Buc
On 5 Apr 2023, at 13:39, Ken Pope wrote: Looking forward (sort of). Had done a lot of searching to find a company that was significantly cheaper than the wonderful Liquid Web (I hate leaving them—they’re terrific) and Go Daddy seemed the best of the very, very, very cheap companies that provi

Re: [MlMt] moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?

2023-04-05 Thread Andrew Buc
On 5 Apr 2023, at 15:14, David Ledger wrote: On 4/5/23 21:00, Andrew Buc wrote: I strongly recommend against GoDaddy. Details this evening Pacific time--I'm coming up on the end of my lunch hour. I too have concerns about GoDaddy. I just keep domain registrations with them, nothing

Re: [MlMt] moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?

2023-04-05 Thread Andrew Buc
I strongly recommend against GoDaddy. Details this evening Pacific time--I'm coming up on the end of my lunch hour. - Original message - From: Ken Pope To: Subject: Re: [MlMt] moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents sur

Re: [MlMt] mail archiving

2023-03-20 Thread Andrew Buc
On 20 Mar 2023, at 7:48, davecc wrote: I do not recommend using Yahoo mail for any mail service. I have had several Yahoo accounts for years. Last year I noticed that several thousand messages were suddenly gone. I emailed Yahoo support and their response was basically “What messages?”. Th

[MlMt] Distribution list

2023-03-12 Thread Andrew Buc
For some years I’ve belonged to a movie discussion group. Every month we’d see a movie at a theater, then discuss it at a restaurant. The group more or less fizzled ~4 years ago with members moving away, going into assisted living, having other commitments. I’m sure that even if this hadn’t hap

Re: [MlMt] Histogram

2022-01-06 Thread Andrew Buc
From your message I would guess you were using the "Three Pane" layout, but you can try the other one and see which one fit the best for your workflow. Best, -- Guillaume On 6 Jan 2022, at 21:40, Andrew Buc wrote: I must have done something to make MM start displaying the attach

[MlMt] Histogram

2022-01-06 Thread Andrew Buc
I must have done something to make MM start displaying the attached histogram in the lower pane, but what, and how do I put it back the way it was? By the way it was, I mean that if I highlighted a given email, I’d see a preview of it in the lower pane. Running r5673 under OS X 10.13.6. Thanks.

[MlMt] Horcrux email backup or something like it--good idea?

2021-04-17 Thread Andrew Buc ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Sound Device for MailMate Sound Effects

2021-04-12 Thread Andrew Buc
On 11 Apr 2021, at 13:57, Pierre Igot wrote: That’s when a third-party tool like Rogue Amoeba’s SoundSource becomes useful. It allows you to “fix” the output on a per-app basis -- until the developer does or if the developer ignores your reports. I’ve never used SoundSource, but I regularly

[MlMt] Message count

2021-04-12 Thread Andrew Buc
When you collapse a folder in Mail, the bubble by the folder name shows the total number of messages in the folder and its subfolders, as per the attached. In MM, this doesn’t happen; I have to expand the folder to know whether the individual subfolders contain any messages. Is there a setting

Re: [MlMt] Apply rule to sent messages?

2021-04-12 Thread Andrew Buc
On 11 Apr 2021, at 16:03, Robert Brenstein wrote: I meant mailboxes tab on your previous snapshot not the mailboxes pane._ Attaching the mailbox tab in answer to your question, but that may not have been it. I checked this smart mailbox against another one that was working as I wanted it to

Re: [MlMt] Apply rule to sent messages?

2021-04-11 Thread Andrew Buc
On 11 Apr 2021, at 13:42, Robert Brenstein wrote: What selections do you have on the mailboxes tab? Can you send the screen of that as well? Attached. Tempor Set (PariAtur) in distortion mode is Andrew Buc (FastMail). ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Apply rule to sent messages?

2021-04-11 Thread Andrew Buc
messages both to and from my friend. But I’m seeing only my outgoing messages to my friend. I’ve tried applying the smart mailbox to All Messages and to “Andrew Buc (FastMail)” (how I’ve named the account in MM), and it makes no difference. Thanks

Re: [MlMt] Apply rule to sent messages?

2021-03-31 Thread Andrew Buc
On 27 Mar 2021, at 8:42, Robert Brenstein wrote: I think that a smart mailbox is actually simpler to handle and more reliable besides being more aligned with IMAP. The smart mailbox can check incoming and outgoing mailboxes for mails that have any recipient or sender be the specified email add

Re: [MlMt] Keychain weirdness

2021-03-28 Thread Andrew Buc
We have ignition! :) Creating a new keychain seems to have done the trick. You’ll notice that I’m composing this in MM. ___ mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keychain weirdness

2021-03-28 Thread Andrew Buc
> On Mar 27, 2021, at 2:35 PM, Bill Cole > wrote: > > There is something wrong with your login keychain, not specific to MailMate. I found a web page on how to create a new login keychain, and created one. A bit early to report on results with MailMate, but signs are good so far. _

Re: [MlMt] Keychain weirdness

2021-03-27 Thread Andrew Buc
> On Mar 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM, Bill Cole > wrote: > > You should make sure that it is there and that in the "Access Control" pane > of the license key's window it allows access by MailMate. If it does not, you > can add MailMate there manually or you could just delete that license key > from

[MlMt] Keychain weirdness

2021-03-27 Thread Andrew Buc
Last night and this morning MM started refusing to sync with the IMAP server. I got various messages suggesting Keychain issues. I did some fooling around with the Keychain (don’t remember the exact steps), and MM started to sync with the server again. But I get the “keychain failure” dialog eve

[MlMt] Apply rule to sent messages?

2021-03-26 Thread Andrew Buc
Making some headway with MM, and I’m taking Philip Paeps’s suggestion of using FastMail's sieve features to file the mail on the server when it arrives. Having said that, I think there’s something to be said for learning at least a bit about MM rules. 20-odd years ago I was running an OS/2 (re

[MlMt] Sending message

2021-03-23 Thread Andrew Buc
I’ve successfully sent a few emails in MM, but right now one is just sitting in my Drafts folder: I assume the red bubble around the message count has something to do with this. I composed this email a couple of hours ago. How do I send it on its way? Thank you.___

Re: [MlMt] Question on IMAP mailboxes and rules from a MailMate newbie

2021-03-20 Thread Andrew Buc
> On Mar 14, 2021, at 10:32 PM, Philip Paeps wrote: > > While your approach of using MailMate rules to file mail will certainly work, > you may want to look into using FastMail's sieve features to file the mail on > the server when it arrives. They're under 'customise -> filters and rules' >

[MlMt] Question on IMAP mailboxes and rules from a MailMate newbie

2021-03-13 Thread Andrew Buc
at a time. The Friends and Lists mailboxes are directly under the “Andrew Buc (FastMail)” account. Is that where they should be? I’ve created a rule to move emails from the MailMate listserv to the MailMate folder, and it seems it’s working so far. I think I’m on the right track, but please

[MlMt] My first outgoing message using MailMate

2021-03-10 Thread Andrew Buc
I posted late last year about getting started with MailMate. Finally I sync’ed it with my FastMail IMAP mailbox, which I’ve been accessing via a web browser until now. FastMail’s online help was helpful. I won’t be cutting over to MailMate as my default mail client just yet. I’ll need to set up

Re: [MlMt] Getting started with MailMate

2020-11-23 Thread Andrew Buc
> On Nov 23, 2020, at 12:19 AM, Martin S Taylor > wrote: > > > • How much disk space does your current email library take up? Good question—how do I find out? As I said earlier, I want to bring only a subset of my legacy emails into MailMate. I tried selecting various mailboxes in Appl

Re: [MlMt] Getting started with MailMate

2020-11-22 Thread Andrew Buc
> On Nov 22, 2020, at 3:40 PM, Glenn Parker wrote: > > Transferring old emails into an IMAP server may not not the best approach. > You can still access any local folders via your AppleMail, or you might > transition to a mail archiving utility for old messages, e.g. MailSteward. I want to bri

Re: [MlMt] Getting started with MailMate

2020-11-22 Thread Andrew Buc
Thanks for your response. The fact that we both use Fastmail puts us on the same page. > On Nov 22, 2020, at 11:05 AM, Martin S Taylor > wrote: > > The snag you're likely to hit is that MailMate doesn't support mailboxes held > 'On My Mac' as Apple Mail names it. It can only access mailboxes

[MlMt] Getting started with MailMate

2020-11-22 Thread Andrew Buc
Although MailMate doesn’t work with my current POP3 mailbox, I bought a license a few years ago to support development of MailMate. Now I’m close to being ready to start using it, and I’m asking for pointers. I’ve never used an IMAP mail client before. I’m currently using Apple Mail. A bit of b

[MlMt] At the risk of being off-topic . . .

2019-08-22 Thread Andrew Buc
I know Benny is Danish, and I imagine some MailMate users are also. On behalf of my fellow Americans, I’d like to apologize for Trump being such a jerk about Greenland. ___ mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Questions from prospective new user

2016-03-24 Thread Andrew Buc
I’m about to take the plunge with MailMate after using Apple Mail for the last 10 or so years. I have a general idea of how IMAP works but have never used an IMAP mail client. I have a fairly elaborate folder structure and 80+ rules to filter emails into different folders, depending on who the e