Is there a way to import/export a rule from one mailbox to another? Thank you!___
mailmate mailing list
90 minutes ago I successfully read and responded to an email. I went off
and did some other things, some on the computer and some not, and when I
came back to MM, I got this:
I also couldn't get distortion mode to work, so I "
90 minutes ago I successfully read and responded to an email. I went off
and did some other things, some on the computer and some not, and when I
came back to MM, I got this:
Distortion mode doesn't work, so I've "scratched ou
Judging purely by the MailMate forum archives, MailMate will be hitting
its 15th birthday soon (if it hasn’t already). The first message in
the archive is dated Wed Mar 17 00:12:16 UTC 2010, and it refers to a
beta release, so the first release was sometime before March 17.
On 2025-03-15 at 14:22:51 UTC-0400 (Sat, 15 Mar 2025 12:22:51 -0600)
John Doherty
is rumored to have said:
> From the manual:
> "Rules are only triggered when a message is added to a mailbox which most
> often happens when a new message arrives in an account."
> So once a message is in a mai
I believe rules are sequential so you should be safe.
You could easily test this by changing the action of the second rule
from delete to something safer, like Set Tag/Keyword.
On 15 Mar 2025, at 23:59, Robert Wall wrote:
Do rules always process in order from the first rule down?
From the manual:
"Rules are only triggered when a message is added to a mailbox which
most often happens when a new message arrives in an account."
So once a message is in a mailbox, it will not be automatically
evaluated against the mailbox rules again.
On Sat 2025-03-15 12:00 PM MDT -0600
I have a rule that permanently deletes any messages with a certain tag
if it was not received in the previous 14 days. However, messages older
than 14 days remain in the maibox. I can confirm the rule works when it
is executed manually. How does MailMate determine when to execute a
Do rules always process in order from the first rule down?
I have a scenario where I need two rules.
Rule 1 - "If (sender) is not in (a folder I use to filter by sender) then (move
message to folder)"
Rule 2 - "If (message) contains (filtered text) then (delete message)"
If a message matches bo