[MlMt] Change email provider: how to do preserve MM settings

2024-10-18 Thread Michael Nietzold
**Steps I prefer:** - I like to switch to mailbox.org. - I use a migration service to transfer emails (they provide a voucher for using [Audriga](https://www.audriga.com/en/Index)). **My question:** What steps should I follow to transfer my MailMate settings to the new email provider? I ass

[MlMt] Google / Repeating Re-Sync

2024-10-18 Thread Robert M . Münch
I noticed that MM repeatedly re-syncs parts of my folders, for example, sent messages. When looking into the folder, I'm missing the last 3 months of messages coming in step-by-step. A side effect is that Google then throttles my mailbox. However, I'm wondering why MM seems to lose track of mes