Re: [MlMt] Anyone else have extra HTML in Raw view?

2022-10-24 Thread
Think I’m seeing the same as you, Pete, in 5922. - - Please excuse the tttapping errors... Sent from my iPhone C/T (954) 253-4125 Henry M. Seiden Techworks Pro > On Oct 24, 2022, at 13:47, Pete Resnick via mailmate > wrote: > > It looks like an HTML representation of the message headers. >

Re: [MlMt] MailMate misrendering special characters in HTML messages

2022-10-24 Thread Jim Leff
I’m having same problem, and, sometimes, when I choose “download”, I get “missing image” reports ([screenshot](, even when the images have downloaded as attachments. I’ve reported this as bug #3141.___ mailmate mailing

Re: [MlMt] MailMate misrendering special characters in HTML messages

2022-10-24 Thread John Cooper
Henry Seiden wrote (at 11:02 AM on Monday, October 24, 2022): John, Trying the same in my version 5922. Embedding in the body of an email does seem to show in my HTML version preview… How do you see it? Mircea Cărtărescu. I did it by turning on the international character set of Romania. U

Re: [MlMt] MailMate misrendering special characters in HTML messages

2022-10-24 Thread Henry Seiden
John, Trying the same in my version 5922. Embedding in the body of an email does seem to show in my HTML version preview… How do you see it? Mircea Cărtărescu. I did it by turning on the international character set of Romania. Unfortunately, this is inconvenient. Don’t see any easy way aroun

Re: [MlMt] MailMate misrendering special characters in HTML messages

2022-10-24 Thread John Cooper
Pete Resnick via mailmate wrote (at 10:17 AM on Monday, October 24, 2022): > Except it's wrong. The original message should say "charset=utf8", not > "charset=iso-8859-1". The original sender's email program got it wrong. It > would be nice if MailMate had the feature that many web browsers have

Re: [MlMt] Anyone else have extra HTML in Raw view?

2022-10-24 Thread Pete Resnick via mailmate
It looks like an HTML representation of the message headers. I'm also not seeing black on grey for "raw format", but a box around it and colored header names. Something is also goofy about character encodings (though different than what John Cooper described earlier), but I can't figure out ex

Re: [MlMt] MailMate misrendering special characters in HTML messages

2022-10-24 Thread Pete Resnick via mailmate
On 24 Oct 2022, at 11:50, John Cooper wrote: John Cooper wrote (at 10:57 PM on Saturday, October 22, 2022): I subscribe to a newsletter that often includes proper names from non-English languages. When I use Mailmate to view a recent newsletter, I see the following: ![](

Re: [MlMt] MailMate misrendering special characters in HTML messages

2022-10-24 Thread John Cooper
John Cooper wrote (at 10:57 PM on Saturday, October 22, 2022): I subscribe to a newsletter that often includes proper names from non-English languages. When I use Mailmate to view a recent newsletter, I see the following: ![]( When I view the raw message

[MlMt] Anyone else have extra HTML in Raw view?

2022-10-24 Thread Bill Cole
Running latest test build r5922, 99% certain it wasn't in r5920. "View->Show Raw Message" switches the message to black on grey as before, but now there's a superfluous HTML wrapper around what appears to be the original raw message. -- Bill Cole or (AK