On 21 Apr 2022, at 22:29, Robert Wall wrote:
> TL;DR - I'd like to be able to fire off the mail rules for a given folder
> once per day.
> Longer explanation:
> I have a server that sends me status emails. A lot of status emails. And I
> need to receive these status emails not because I want
Hi Martin,
Looks like the message was purposely placed in the body of messages at
the server level, for a reason.
Seems to me that they want to discourage use of their servers,
Pratt.edu, for non-company uses, heavily filtering both incoming and
outgoing messages, hence the attachments to bo
Hello All,
I think this was asked before but I cannot find a solution:
Is there a way to locally filter incoming (and outgoing) messages for
text snippets inserted by the server, such as the following:
*CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
click links or op