one thing i've used in the past to remap keys is "karabiner elements"
this might be something you can customize for your purposes. it can do
complex modifications where if you press a key it does one thing and if
you press and hold it with another key it does another thing. something
like remap
Right, normal click on both.
Also, the first one (⌘ +SHIFT+U - mark as read) keystroke marks a
varied group of read and unread messages as read first, then a second
click will flip it to unread.
Yes, both are standard settings MacOS Finder for file handling.
That’s how I discovered them.
I’m embarrassed that I can’t seem to do this, so I’ll ask here:
I have a smart mailbox with the view set to “organize by thread”.
I’d like all the threads to be expanded by default when I view this mailbox
rather than have to expand each manually, or switch the “thread” view for each
On 24 Feb 2022, at 9:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Despite being Danish I haven't really ever looked into the issue of
localizing keyboard shortcuts.
I know a lot of people who aren't developers use the US layout all the
time but my touch typing has never been good and, besides I grew up with
On 24 Feb 2022, at 9:04, Charlie Clark wrote:
Then, there are the keyboard shortcuts which won't work with certain
keymappings: on a German keyboard, I can't switch between message
parts because [ and ] have to be composed…
Despite being Danish I haven't really ever looked into the issue of
On 23 Feb 2022, at 3:20, Henry Seiden wrote:
I found these keystroke combos that seem to work on my machine without
any alteration in MM. Maybe we should start a list of them to see if
they are “universal” for all or use the list to build up something
for Benny to put in his help docs?