Awesome, thanks! This will get me close, but it seems you need unique menu
items, and I need no-op choices. "Bring All to Front" and 'Arrange in Front"
killed 2 for me, though.
On Mon, Apr 26, 2021, at 5:02 PM, Randall Meadows wrote:
> On 26 Apr 2021, at 13:21, Jon Garrison wrote:
> >
On 26 Apr 2021, at 13:21, Jon Garrison wrote:
I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos
accidentally several times a day as an artifact of spending a lot of
time in Linux for work.
I looked around, but I do not see a way to disable or redirect them.
You can
A way to re-assign Command-{1-6} to currently open tabs (like firefox,
iterm, etc.) would also be great. If anyone knows
On 26 Apr 2021, at 15:21, Jon Garrison wrote:
I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos
accidentally several times a day as an artifact
I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos
accidentally several times a day as an artifact of spending a lot of time in
Linux for work.
I looked around, but I do not see a way to disable or redirect them.
Any help would be appreciated!