Re: [MlMt] where has 'Send Now' gone to?

2018-09-14 Thread Zvi Biener
Press the control button, it comes back. On 14 Sep 2018, at 15:21, Jason Davies wrote: Hi folks Not sure if I missed a discussion on this, if so, apologies. I always have a deferment of 5 minutes on my emails for those 'oh, I forgot...' things. In the past, I could select Send Now from a con

[MlMt] where has 'Send Now' gone to?

2018-09-14 Thread Jason Davies
Hi folks Not sure if I missed a discussion on this, if so, apologies. I always have a deferment of 5 minutes on my emails for those 'oh, I forgot...' things. In the past, I could select Send Now from a contextual menu to speed that up but that has disappeared. Is this intentional? The only wa

Re: [MlMt] Position in mailbox table of contents after restart

2018-09-14 Thread Randall Gellens
On 13 Sep 2018, at 2:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 12 Sep 2018, at 1:22, Randall Gellens wrote: MailMate forgets where I am in a mailbox's table of contents after restarting. This can be annoying and even confusing, because when I click a mailbox to check it for new mail, I see messages a

[MlMt] Showing email addresses in junk folder

2018-09-14 Thread Simon Smailus
How do I show email addresses in the "From" field in views/folders such as junk rather than a name? My spam seems to be increasing and I need to be able to quickly scan through for emails that are not junk. All I really need to see are the actual email addresses. Simon