Re: [MlMt] debugging send failure

2015-10-11 Thread Sparky Doosan
Now it works perfectly! Thanks Lars :) Benny... one more feature on the to-do list ha ha... `grep sent ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Sources.plist` I almost mentioned "easy money" but that would remind me it's (nearly) time to pay for a license. Thanks!! On 11 Oct 2015, at 8:33,

Re: [MlMt] debugging send failure

2015-10-11 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen
On 11 Oct 2015, at 17:15, Sparky Doosan wrote: MailMate shows my outbound message in an IMAP folder called "Sent Messages". I cannot find this on the server and the message was not delivered. I cannot determine (need more coffee?) whether this setup issue is a MailMate problem and if so, how t

Re: [MlMt] debugging send failure

2015-10-11 Thread Lars Ippich
On 11 Oct 2015, at 17:15, Sparky Doosan wrote: MailMate shows my outbound message in an IMAP folder called "Sent Messages". I cannot find this on the server and the message was not delivered. I cannot determine (need more coffee?) whether this setup issue is a MailMate problem and if so, how t

[MlMt] debugging send failure

2015-10-11 Thread Sparky Doosan
I continue to edge closer to cutting MailMate into my production workflow. Today's issue: I followed all the setup instructions from MailMate and my ISP and it looks good except... MailMate shows my outbound message in an IMAP folder called "Sent Messages". I cannot find this on the server and