On 17 Jun 2015, at 10:25, Mark Wadham wrote:
If I type three dots I get an elipses character: …
This is abhorrant and crazy-making, how can I make it stop?
It’s not happening in any other applications.
Sysprefs -> Text -> Correct spelling automatically is off
Sysprefs -> Text -> Use smart quo
On 17 Jun 2015, at 9:52, Allie Martin wrote:
The attachments list at the bottom of messages almost always extends
beyond the edge of the preview window limit. I have to scroll
sideways to be able to use the quicklook and save buttons.
Ditto -- it would be lovely if this could be fixed.
On 17 Jun 2015, at 15:38, Edward Thome wrote:
I had the same issue, and simultaneously with removing “Smart
Dashes” I had updated to r5099. Perhaps then “Smart Dashes”
will show up.
Oddly enough restarting the app and then disabling it again seems to
have made it persist.
Thanks guys, the
On 17 Jun 2015, at 9:36, Mark Wadham wrote:
On 17 Jun 2015, at 15:34, Ale Muñoz wrote:
Edit › Substitutions › Smart Dashes (make sure that's
unchecked, that seemed to work for me, at least...)
Smart Dashes doesn't appear in that menu, I've only got Smart
Copy+Paste, Smart Quotes and Smart Li
On 17 Jun 2015, at 15:34, Ale Muñoz wrote:
Edit › Substitutions › Smart Dashes (make sure that's unchecked,
that seemed to work for me, at least...)
Smart Dashes doesn't appear in that menu, I've only got Smart
Copy+Paste, Smart Quotes and Smart Links, all of which are disabled. If
I right c
On 17 Jun 2015, at 16:25, Mark Wadham wrote:
Please help before I go crazy and trash the office?
Edit › Substitutions › Smart Dashes (make sure that's unchecked,
that seemed to work for me, at least...)
mailmate mailing list
If I type three dots I get an elipses character: …
This is abhorrant and crazy-making, how can I make it stop?
It’s not happening in any other applications.
Sysprefs -> Text -> Correct spelling automatically is off
Sysprefs -> Text -> Use smart quotes and dashes is off
Spelling is set to “Briti
The attachments list at the bottom of messages almost always extends
beyond the edge of the preview window limit. I have to scroll sideways
to be able to use the quicklook and save buttons.
Can this list be customised?
I'd love to be rid of the part that states the attachment type, for
On 16 Jun 2015, at 18:51, Bram Heerink wrote:
On 16 Jun 2015, at 17:25, Kai von Fintel wrote:
Ah, I think you need to first enable send later as a default:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendMessageDelayEnabled -bool
This works! Thanks! 😊👍
The downside of this is that the Sen