Hi all,
I have this half idea to write up an extension for Launchbar 6 to
integrate typical workflows in Mailmate, such as scrolling through the
inbox, previewing messages (like it is possible now through Mailmate's
counters in the menubar), and performing actions such as archiving
deleting a
On 7 Aug 2014, at 9:17, Caroline Taylor wrote:
Again, I come back to why is [Gmail]/Sent Mail behaving differently to
other folders? Simply mapping [Gmail]/Sent Mail to a tag only treats
the symptom, so I hesitate to just do that.
Yes, that is not the way to fix it.
Every duplicated message
Hi Benny,
Thank you for responding!
> But it works for you except for sent emails? That is you are now
> subscribing to “[Gmail]/All Mail” and using labels, but you don’t have
> duplicate messages in general?
Yes, that is correct. I'm subscribed to All Mail, using labels. It seems to
work excep